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"Eomma?" Sky tapped Solar on the arm, looking up at her with her big brown eyes. They were in Solar's office waiting for Moonbyul and Sunyoung to finally come to pick them up from the hospital. Mrs. Kim wasn't able to come and visit during Solar's lunch since she ended up having emergency surgery and wasn't able to have lunch with Sky as she wanted either. Solar had one of the nurses call her mother as she scrubbed in and relay the message, knowing her mother wouldn't take well to the impersonal notice, but there was nothing she could do about it. Moonbyul called her and told her she would pick her and Sky up after work since her mother was visiting a friend in Seoul and still had the younger Yi-Kim's truck.

"Yes, baby?" Solar replied, looking up from the stack of paperwork on her desk she was going through, and glancing down at her daughter.

"Go home." Sky nodded to her, pointing to the door.

"We'll go home in a few minutes, we have to wait for momma and Sun." Solar smiled at her, lifting her in her lap. "Why don't we color while we wait?" She grabbed a legal pad out of the drawer and played a marker in Sky's hand, wrapping her hand around hers, and began to draw a series of shapes, stating the name of each one so Sky could learn them.

Sky smiled and stared at the paper, trying to repeat the words that Solar was saying when the surgeon's phone beeped with a message from Moonbyul that they just pulled up outside. Solar replied back that they would come right out, so she kissed Sky on the temple and set her down grabbing her coat, and winter accessories to put on her.

Once she got Sky dressed in her black winter coat, with zebra head hat and matching gloves and scarf, she put her Princess backpack on her, and quickly put on her own coat and hat, slinging the diaper bag, her purse, and her briefcase on her shoulder, she grabbed Sky's hand as they made their way out of the office, Sky waving at everyone that walked by her with a smile.

When they got outside Moonbyul hopped out to grab the bags in Solar's arms, kissing Sky on the forehead in the process, and put them in the cargo area with her own purse and briefcase, while Solar put Sky in her car seat, smiling at how excited Sky and Sun were to see each other. Moonbyul walked over to her as she closed the backdoor and kissed her quickly.

"How was work?" Moonbyul asked.

"Good." Solar nodded. "You?"

Moonbyul smiled. "Good." She kissed Solar again and went back to the driver seat hopping in.

"Sunyoung, how was school, honey?" Solar asked as she put her seatbelt on.

Sunyoung, who was kissing all over Sky's face, making her laugh, leaned back over and put her seatbelt on quickly.

"Good, no notes for talking." She stated quickly.

Solar smiled at her. "That's good, did you get your math test back?"

Sunyoung nodded and dug in her backpack, pulling out the folded packet of paper, and handed it to her mother, Moonbyul glanced over as she pulled off and noticed the score, before briefly locking eyes with Solar, and focusing back on the road. Solar glanced at the score again, then checked through the test herself, looking over Sunyoung's work, she looked back at her daughter, who was staring nervously at her.

"You're still struggling with multiplying fractions and long division. You got a 67%, which isn't the greatest, Sun."

Solar told her softly. "Did your teacher go over the correct answers with you?"

Sunyoung shook her head. "She gave us an answer sheet." She added quickly, digging in her backpack again and pulling out a binder, she carefully clicked it open, Sky watching her every move. She handed the sheet to Solar, who nodded a thank you to her and looked over it.

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