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Solar sprinted down the hallway and found Moonbyul's room in the ER quickly, she pulled the curtain back and ran right to the bed, where Moonbyul was lying down, her eyes closed. Solar took in Moonbyul's appearance, noticing she didn't look too sick or injured, aside from the red mark on the side of her face and a small bandage, where she hit her head when she passed out. She grabbed her hand and kissed it, causing Moonbyul to open her eyes and stare at her, a few tears forming. Solar shook her head and used her thumb to wipe Moonbyul's tears away from her eyes, before grabbing her hand again.

"Hey," Solar smiled, rubbing Moonbyul's knuckles with her thumb.

"Hey, Yong," Moonbyul whispered, blinking the tears out.

"Can you sit up?" Solar asked. "Are you in pain?"

"No pain, well, aside from my head now, and my back from falling," Moonbyul told her as she slowly sat up, Solar helping her. Solar sat on the bed and hugged Moonbyul tightly. She kissed her gently on the lips and sighed, before running her fingers through Moonbyul's hair.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Moonbyul nodded.

"Scared the hell out of me, love," She admitted quickly. "Don't scare me like this." She added softly, with a small smile, which Moonbyul returned. "Let me check you out." Solar continued to stare at her before taking her stethoscope from around her neck and checking Moonbyul's lungs. "Deep breaths, Byul," She said softly. Moonbyul nodded and took as deep a breath as she could while Solar moved the stethoscope around her wife's back and chest, listening carefully. "You sound clear, any chest pain or pain anywhere at all when you take a deep breath?"

Moonbyul shook her head no quickly. "Where are the girls?" Moonbyul asked as she looked around the room. "Fuck, I gotta go get Sun from school," She tried to get out of bed but Solar shook her head and held her down.

"Hwasa is picking Sunyoung up, and she got Sky from daycare. They are both okay." Solar assured her. "She came to my office to tell me you passed out and get Sky, without me even calling or anything."

Moonbyul nodded. "Can you check my chart? I trust the doctor and everything but I trust you more, and you're my wife and have been a surgeon for so long."

Solar blushed. "Of course." She grabbed the chart from the end of the hospital bed. "Lay back down, love, try to stay awake in case you have a concussion."

"They didn't test for that." Moonbyul replied.

"What the fuck?" Solar frowned. "You hit your head, the chart says you were disoriented when you woke up, and they didn't fuckin check for a concussion?" She grabbed her medical bag and took Moonbyul's blood pressure, comparing it to the one on the chart, her eyes focused on Moonbyul the entire time. Every time Moonbyul would close her eyes for too long, Solar would immediately shake her arm to wake her up. "Stay awake, Byul."

"I'm up." Moonbyul assured her.

Solar went to the sink and washed her hands quickly before coming back over to Moonbyul and lifting the bandage on her head. "No stitches?" She asked Moonbyul.

"No, they said they just glued it."

Solar sighed while she examined her head. "It doesn't look too deep, and it's small, so glue is good. Let me check out your back, any bruising?" She replied as a doctor came into the room.

Solar turned right away to address the doctor. "I want a concussion test, a head CT, and she needs cushions for her back, she's had back surgery and she twisted her back when she fell so...."

The doctor raised her hand to Solar to stop her from speaking and stared at her. "And you are?"

Solar scoffed. "I'm Dr. Yongsun Yi-Kim, chief of cardiac surgery, assistant chief of surgery over at Mercy Grace Surgical Hospital in Seoul, and most importantly, I'm Moonbyul's wife." She rattled off quickly, before grabbing Moonbyul's hand and shaking her arm, when she saw her eyes were closed again.

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