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A/N: Thank you for waiting. I know it's been a year or almost a year. A lot of things happen that I cannot control. So, yeah I have to deal with it first :)

Two weeks later, Saturday 9 am

Moonbyul was lying on Solar's chest listening to Sunyoung tell Sky a story through the baby monitor, mixed in with Solar's soft snores underneath her. Solar worked a double shift the previous night to close out her third shift schedule, she was then off the weekend and starting her new hours of seven in the morning to five in the afternoon, Monday through Friday, and third hour shifts one weekend a month. She got home around two that morning, checked on her daughters, changing Sky's diaper and rocking her back to sleep right away after, she then took a shower quickly and snuggled close behind Moonbyul in bed. Moonbyul felt her presence and woke up slightly, turning over to open her eyes just wide enough that Solar smiled when her brown eyes locked with hers that she loved so much, to say hello and good night with a soft kiss, before lying on her chest, while Solar held her tightly and fell asleep almost instantly.

"and then the dog chased the cat," Sunyoung said animatedly, causing Sky to laugh.

Moonbyul laughed herself, noticing Sky laughed whenever Sunyoung got louder when telling a part of the story. She felt two lips on her forehead as Solar's hand began to rub her back, as she woke up. She glanced up at her wife and saw her brown eyes staring at her. "Good morning," Solar said softly through a smile which turned into a yawn for a split second.

"Morning, love," Moonbyul replied with a smile, shifting to lie next to Solar on the pillow so she could look at her. "How was work last night?"

"Saved a life and lost a life." She replied quietly before she leaned forward and kissed her good morning, she smiled into the kiss and broke it. "Last night was a little rough for me." She added lying back on her pillow and yawning slightly.

"Sorry to hear that, are you okay?" Moonbyul asked. "I know you take it bad when you lose someone on the table."

"This was a young girl, hit and run car accident with a drunk driver." Solar shook her head. "Senseless death, I knew it was a long shot when I started but I did everything I could, everything Byul."

"I know you did, how old was she?" Moonbyul asked.

"Only sixteen, just got her license a few days ago." She answered as Moonbyul laid back on her chest and positioned her chin on her chest to look up at her, flipping over to her stomach so she was more comfortable, linking her hand with Solar's. "Her mother screams were so heartbreaking, I had to go get myself together in an on call room." She shook her head. "I just kept imagining what if that was us with Sunyoung."

"Oh, my love." Moonbyul shook her head. "You know you can't think like that after every surgery."

"I know, but it's hard sometimes, you know?" Solar replied.

"I bet, you're such a good doctor and surgeon." Moonbyul reminded her. "Losing a patient doesn't change that." She shifted so she was cuddled in Solar's side and rested her head on her shoulder, placing a light kiss to her exposed collar bone.

"I know, Byul, thanks." Solar smiled and wrapped her arms around Moonbyul again. "How were the girls last night?"

"Good, Sun helped Sky with her floor puzzle most of the night." Moonbyul replied. "I was able to get a lot of work done, I hung out in the living room with them with my laptop."

"Well, I start first shift again on Monday, so I'll be able to help you out at nights more." Solar smiled.

"I'm excited to have you home more at night." Moonbyul told her.

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