477 10 4

7 am

Solar walked back into the bedroom with two cups of coffee and smiled when she saw Moonbyul stretching and waking up, sitting up slowly and rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning," Solar smiled and sits on the side of the bed and leaning over to kiss her wife while rubbing her left thigh soothingly.

"Good morning, Yong," She replied through a yawn before deepening the kiss slightly and grabbing her coffee, and nodding a thank you as she leaned into Solar's embrace, kissing her collarbone gently. "Are the girls awake?"

"Sky is," Solar laughed as she is picturing the baby crawling back and forth over Sunyoung in bed when she peeped into their room. "She's harassing Sunyoung who probably is getting up now from all movement."

Moonbyul smiled, "You were extra snuggly last night, did you sleep okay?" She asked recalling how close Solar slept next to her the night before, holding her tightly and molding her body to hers as she spooned her in her sleep.

Solar took a sip of her coffee and nodded while humming. "I really did and I had a dream about being pregnant again," She giggled. "I was so big and round, nice and juicy, just like with Sky," Moonbyul stared lovingly up at her wife while remembering how much she loved seeing Solar pregnant with their youngest. "So, when I woke up earlier I sat out on the balcony thinking of names, and imagining how the baby would look."

Moonbyul shuffled and moved to sit on Solar's lap, straddling her wife. "So, you're really all in?" She asked softly. "I know you agreed last night, but I want to be sure before I get too excited. This is big, love...your body is going to change, our lives will get even more hectic and who knows how Sky will adjust if she picks up Elmo and Big Bird by the eyeball and laugh a super creepy laugh sometimes."

Solar laughed. "Yes, our lives will get crazier, but we like crazy," She winked. "Sky will be fine, my parents are moving to Daegu in a few months, so, we will have plenty of help. As for my body, I'm in good health right now and we will schedule a check-up when we get home. I really like the OB-GYN at the hospital and we can use her. We will run all the tests we need and don't worry about my job, I'll handle that. We still have sperm from your cousin... I'm ready if you are."

Leaning forward and kissing her deeply Moonbyul hugged her wife tightly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Solar winked before smacking Moonbyul on the butt. "Too bad we can't just make a baby ourselves. I would love the work and effort."

Moonbyul blushed. "Totally, I think we should tell Sunyoung that we are going to expand the family."

Taking a sip of her coffee Solar hummed softly, "You want to include her in the conversation this soon?"

"Yeah, I don't think we should wait until you're pregnant and showing," Moonbyul shrugged. "With Sky, we waited a little bit to tell her, but she's older now, she's ten, and I think she's mature enough to handle the conversation. I also want to see her reaction and she's a great big sister, and able to help out way more now than when you got pregnant with Sky Sky. Look how much she's helping out with Sky now."

Solar shrugged while nodding when they heard Sky begin to knock incessantly on the door. "Come on in, Sun," She called out, wiggling to get more comfortable as Moonbyul leaning more into her and wrapping her arm around her waist.

The door began to open slowly before it was pushed harshly and flung out and bouncing back off the wall with Sky running in full speed while dragging a stuffed Mickey Mouse behind her.

"Careful Sky!" Solar sighed when the baby just nearly slipped into the room and avoided being kicked out by the door.

"Good morning!" Sunyoung smiled brightly and then lifting her little sister in the bed while laughing when she held up Mickey to get a kiss from both of her mothers.

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