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A/N: I am sure that you already read about my next story. So, if you want some contribution for it I am open and so willing for your help :) 

How about a cover photo for the next story?? Also, for the title of the next action MOONSUN story :) If there will be some creative, talented people out there who are willing to make it I will be happy to use it, and if there are multiple creations for it there will be a voting or poll and the most liked photo will be the next cover photo. :) 

I will update two very different stories and I will share the prologue of the other story next time.

"Then everyone in the class got a mini Christmas tree, I want to plant it outside so it keeps growing, but Eomma said we should wait until we get to the new house and maybe we can plant it there," Sunyoung explained as Sky wiggled in her lap and stared at her grandmother, who wiggled her fingers to her.

"The new house, that's a good idea." Mrs. Kim nodded, hugging Sky when she reached for her and got comfortable in her lap, resting her head on her chest, her little eyes starting to flutter as she wrapped her arms around her grandmother. "Are you excited about moving?"

Sunyoung shrugged and played with the fringes on the blanket she had over her lap. "It's kind of scary to think we're going to live somewhere new. We have to find new stores, and new parks and stuff. We won't know anyone, well momma will know her coworkers, but Eomma, Sky, and I only know each other. That's kind of scary."

Mrs. Kim nodded. "Moving somewhere new can be fun, think of all the new places you'll have to explore now. All the new swing sets, slides, bike trails, malls, and other things "

"With no friends to explore with," Sunyoung mumbled. "Wendy can't come and I don't know anyone."

"You have this cutie," Mrs. Kim smiled, rubbing Sky's back and leaning down to kiss the top of her granddaughter's head. Sky exhaled softly and rubbed her face on her chest before finally closing her eyes and falling asleep. Mrs. Kim holding her tightly.

"Yep but Sky can't bike ride and stuff with me yet and explore, we can only play in the house," Sunyoung replied. "Eomma said this is good for momma, and we should be happy, and proud of her, but is it okay to feel a little sad too? I like it in Seoul and don't want to leave."

Mrs. Kim smiled and opened her other arm to Sunyoung, inviting her granddaughter to cuddle close to her. Once Sunyoung was in her embrace she rubbed her side soothingly. "It'll be okay, Grandpapa and I will come to visit you and I'm sure you'll make tons of friends." She reached over and rubbed Sunyoung's leg over the blanket. "Yes, it's perfectly okay to feel a little sad about leaving somewhere you've been your whole life, but change is good, and necessary in life."

"I hope so, Grandmama," Sunyoung sighed.

"So, did you help Sky with her letter to Santa this year?" Mrs. Kim asked as Mr. Kim came into the living room, he glared at his wife before sitting down, he stood up quickly and reached for Sky, who woke up slightly but reached for her grandfather and cuddled close to him as he leaned back in the recliner and kissed the top of her head, happy to have his granddaughter in his arms again.

"Yeah, I made sure to tell Santa all the stuff that Sky would like, her favorite colors and the toys she plays with the most. I paid close attention to what she likes all year so I could be ready for the letter." Sunyoung nodded as she moved to sit closer to her grandmother.

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