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All around the mulberry bush

The monkey chased the weasel.

The monkey thought 'twas all in fun.

Pop! goes the weasel

Moonbyul and Solar held hands and pranced in a circle around Sky, who jumped up and down and clapped while her mother's danced and sang her favorite nursery rhymes, they would point to her on the word pop she would jump up and down and flail her little arms around, her hair bouncing in the air. Solar smiled at her and continued to sing as they started to prance around the family room again.

A penny for a spool of thread,

A penny for a needle.

That's the way the money goes.

Pop! goes the weasel

She once again pointed at Sky, who jumped up and down with Moonbyul, who got on her knees and started to dance wildly with her daughter. Moonbyul shook her head side to side, sending her hair all over, Sky's eyes widened so she did the same thing, before getting a little dizzy and stopping, Moonbyul laughed and grabbed her in to a hug, kissing her loudly on the cheeks and forehead. Solar took a sip of her water and laughed while watching them.

"That's how you rock out Sky." She nodded to her daughter and gave her a high five.

Sky smiled and reached for Solar's hand, she started to pull her in a circle again, before reaching for Moonbyul's hand. "More."

"Okay, what's next, Byul?" Solar smiled.

Moonbyul thought for a moment before she began to sing, the three of them starting to prance in a circle again.

Ring around the rosy

Pocket full of posies

Ashes, ashes

We all fall down

Once they sang the last line, Moonbyul and Solar flopped to the floor under Sky's watchful eye, who had no idea what her mothers were doing. She stared at them and began to clap before flopping down herself. Sky jumped to her feet and reached for their hands again. "More."

"Okay." Solar smiled, this time singing with Moonbyul.

Ring around the rosy

Pocket full of posies

Without warning, Sky flopped down and waited for her mothers. Solar laughed loudly at her daughter and lifted her back on her feet. "You have to wait for the last line, love." She explained.

"Down." Sky shook her head with a smile.

"Yes, wait for the word down." Solar nodded.

Sky looked to Moonbyul for confirmation, Moonbyul nodded to her with a smile, so Sky smiled back and grabbed their hands again.

Ring around the rosy

Pocket full of posies

Ashes, ashes

We all fall down

Solar and Moonbyul both flopped down, Sky stared at them with a smile before flopping down herself and laughing loudly, she then crawled in Solar's lap and hugged her tightly, while she tried to hide her yawn.

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