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A/N: Hi guys! Please don't be shy... we can be friends or something :) Don't be afraid to message me. "I won't bite unless you like" xD (That was from Bruno Mar's Leave The Door Open)

"Okay Sky Sky," Solar set her down and fixed her clothes before staring at her. Sky is just staring sadly at the daycare door, then back to her mother. She kissed her bandage and handed a muffin to her, Sky quickly grabbing it and holding it tightly. "Can you play with Miss Winter today, so Eomma can work?" Solar then asked, smoothing out the straps on her Burberry overalls and smiling at her.

"Owie," Sky shook her head while trying to touch her bandage, her mother quickly grabbing her hand and kissing it instead.

"Are you scared of the daycare now?" Solar asked with a small frown.

Sky shook her head no quickly, leaning into Solar's embrace. "Can you play with Miss Winter, and Eomma  will come back and get you for lunch?"

Sky looked at the door and nodded. "Mih Win."

"Yes, Miss Winter will play with you," Solar nodded with a smile, kissing her on the cheek and standing back up with her, rubbing her back as she walked into the daycare. Sky smiling proudly with her muffin.

Winter looked up from signing some documents and walked over quickly with a big smile on her face while waving at Sky. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Solar nodded. Sky waved slightly before yawning and leaning back on Solar's shoulder. "She's still a little shaken up, and she's really tired. She didn't sleep well she kept rolling on her cut I think. She will run up to you and point to her head bandage to say owie, she isn't hurt, just wants you to know she has a bandage on. You can tell if she's in pain because under her eyes and her eyelids gets red."

Winter nodded as Solar set Sky down with her muffin and smiled at her daughter, who picked it up and took a messy bite with crumbs falling all over. Winter rubbed her back with a smile, Sky looking up at her and smiling in reply before taking a handful and offering it to her teacher. "No thank you, sweetie, we can share some apple slices later for a snack," Sky laughed and nodded when Winter laughed.

Solar winked at her daughter and nodded for Winter to follow her to the side. "I want to apologize if I or my wife came off aggressive yesterday. It was a lot to hear my baby screaming for her and then to see her sitting, scared, blood streaming down her face, it was a lot, I was in shock and in complete mama bear mode, so I apologize."

"Don't be," Winter assured her. "If you or your wife didn't react that way I would be worried," She laughed softly. "I do have an incident report that I need you to sign," She told her, jogging to the desk and grabbing the form. "I was hoping you wouldn't take Sky out of the daycare. I know how convenient it is for the staff to use our facilities, and Sky gets along so well with the other kids here."

"I can tell she really likes it here, but I do have to apologize, we were yelling and it might have gotten misdirected to you," Solar told her, signing the paper and folding the copy for her and Moonbyul before stuffing it in her briefcase.

"Karina has been suspended, and I recommended termination, we can't have that type of negligence. I also reviewed the video and it looks like there were toys all over that should have been put up and she wasn't keeping the room clean enough with so many little ones. It's hard, but blocks shouldn't be left all over, and the toy chest should have been in the corner."

"Thanks for all that you do," Solar told her once more before walking over to Sky and kneeling down. "Eomma is going to do some work, but I'll be back, okay?"

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