2001- Emma's POV

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***A/N*** another shorter one for you tonight! I'm going to try my hardest to have another (hopefully longer) chapter out sometime tomorrow as well! See you then xx


"Who is she, Elliott?"

Elliott rolls his eyes from the sofa, "Elle est juste une amie. You 'ave to stop." (Translation- She is just a friend).

"Stop? Elliott, I saw you kissing her last night at that party!" I shout. He starts to say something but I stop him, "I have friends, I have many male friends, but not once have I snogged one of them!"

"Oh, vraiment? You were kissing zat red 'ead friend of yours when I was at 'ogwarts, no?" (Translation- Oh really?)

"That was years ago! And we weren't even dating!"

"We are not dating now! You made it clear, it is just sex!"

"That doesn't mean that you can...."

"Zat I can what? Kiss anozzer girl? Yes, it does! We are not dating!"

"I came all the way to France!"

"I did not force you!"

I take a deep breath and pinch the bridge of my nose, "This isn't working."

"Zere was nozzing to make work in zee first place."

"Maybe I should go back to England."

"Peut-être que tu devrais," (Translation- Maybe you should).

I laugh and shake my head, "I haven't even been here a year Elliott,"

"Nearly a year, Christmas is in a month."

"I'm going on a walk," I huff.

Elliott shrugs his shoulders and gets comfortable on the sofa again, "Ne reviens pas," (Translation- Don't come back).

"Fuck you," I spit at him before walking out the front door of his house. Making sure to slam it shut behind me.

"FUCK!" I scream as soon as I get outside, "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKK!"

A little old couple stares at me from the other side of the street and instantly embarrassment floods my brain. I duck my head and start walking in the other direction, any direction really, just as long as it's not here.

It was great when I first got here. It was fun, happy, full of... well to be honest with you full of sex but also adventures and just good feelings. Then something shifted and I can't put my finger on it. Elliott started growing distant, spending more time out at work or in bars than at home where I was. I offered to find my own place but he said not to worry about it.

I figured we were dating, at least I thought we were. That's what people who live together and sleep together, and, shop together, and, well and do everything together are called right? Dating, boyfriend and girlfriend?

Do I love him? No, not in the slightest. Do I care about him? Yeah sure, if this is what caring is supposed to feel like then I care about him.

"Madame, vous allez bien?" (Translation- Madam, are you all right?)

I realize that I've been standing at this intersection for five minutes now and the light has changed twice. A man from the car on the road has poked his head out of the window to check on me.

"Bien, merci," I say back as quick as I can before I cross the road (Translation- Fine thanks).

I end up in a park in a bit of the city that I've never been in before. I don't know how I got here or how to get back to Elliott's house. I go over to a big fountain in the middle and sit on the edge.

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