2005- Violet's POV

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***A/N*** Hey guys! Back again with a shorter chapter today but hopefully I'll be able to get another one out sometime soon. Let me know what POV you want to see next. I'm thinking George but I think Emma would be good as well. Till then, xx


"I swear to Merlin you better be a girl,"

Ginny pokes at her stomach and I laugh, putting a cup of tea on the table in front of her. It's Christmas at the Burrow and people are slowly arriving so we can all open presents together. As per our new tradition, George, Freddie, and I are all dressed in matching pyjamas. This year it's a red and black tartan onesie. Course Molly had to take a hundred pictures when we got in. And Charlie laughed so hard he peed himself, but it's cute.

"If it's a boy?"

Ginny looks at me, "If it's a boy then Harry wants to name him Albus Severus,"

"You've got to be joking," I say resting against the counter on the other side of the room as her.

"You really think I could make something like that up?"

"Didn't Snape like..."

"Hate him? Yes."

"And Dumbledore..."

"Raise him like a pig for slaughter?" Ginny looks at me, "Now you understand," she looks back at her stomach, "I'll reach up there and cut your dick off myself."


I turn around just in time to catch a soaring Teddy. He's getting too old to be carried, seven years old to be exact, but I don't care one bit.

"Hey kid," I laugh as I situate him in my arms so we're both comfortable, "Happy Christmas!"

"Look, look what I figured out I can do!" Teddy closes his eyes really tight and right before my eyes his blue hair darkens and turns black and grows a lot longer. His face changes too and it's not long before he opens his eyes and I'm face to face with a child version of myself.

"That might just be the worst thing I've ever seen," I laugh as I put him down on the ground, "Give you five galleons to go freak out George."

"Do not give him five galleons," Ginny says but it's too late. I give him the money and he shoves it deep into his pocket before running into the living room.

"AH! WHAT THE FUCK!?" George shouts followed by a roar of laughter from everyone else in the room.

"Fuck!" I can hear little Dominique shout, followed by a collection of, 'no's throughout the house.

Dominique comes toddling into the kitchen, "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!"

"Mamon," Victoire says coming up to Fleur who has been sitting at the end of the table listening to everything, "Dommie said a bad word."

"Zank you, I know."

"FUCK!" Dominique screams before bursting into giggles.

"Dommie you can't say zat!" Victoire shouts, "It's a bad word!"

Fleur picks Victoire up and puts her on her lap, "Mind your own Victoire, you are not 'er mozzer."

"But I cannot say zat word," Victoire huffs.

"Because you are older and you know what is right and what is wrong. If you tell Dominique zat she cannot say zat word, she will just say it more."

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