2007- Emma's POV

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***A/N*** hey guys! A bit of a shorter chapter for you all today. I have a few ideas for the upcoming chapters but if you want to see something specific let me know in the comments below and I'll make sure to include them! I'll be back as soon as I can with a Violet POV. Till then, toodles! xx


"Pass me that box over there," Violet says to me making grabby hands from across the shop.

"You know, I thought bouncing between yours and Walter's would be a lot more fun, now I'm here in a joke shop working for free," I say as I use my wand to send her the box, "It's not like I'm pregnant or anything."

Violet laughs, "Not pregnant enough not to help me with my chores."

"It's May mate, I'm due in four months. That's pregnant enough not to help you with your chores."

George and little Freddie come out of the office. Freddie's got chocolate smeared all over his face and is babbling away about something I don't fully get but George seems to understand every word that's coming out of the little guy's mouth.

"Auntie Emmie!" He laughs, "Auntie Emmie eat too much."

"Fred, that's not nice," George says.

Freddie looks at me, "But tummy weally big. My tummy get weally big when I eat loads."

"Hey, why don't you and Freddie pie call over Ronnie-kins to finish up here so I can take Emma to her appointment eh?" Violet says.

I look at her sideways, half wanting to tell her that I don't have another appointment at Saint Mungos for another few days but I decide against it.

"What do you say, Freddie?" George asks the toddler, "Let's call Uncle Ron and have him bring Rose by so you can play."

"No Wose, Wouie instead," Freddie says.

"Uncle Ron isn't Louis' Daddy. Uncle Ron is Rose's Daddy. So he's going to bring Rose."

"But Wose is baby."

"She's a year younger than you mate."


Violet and I leave George to argue with the toddler, slipping out of the back door so Freddie doesn't realize she's leaving and throw a fit.

"You know I don't have to go to Saint Mungo's today right?" I say to her as we walk towards the car that's parked outside of the shop.

She nods her head, "I've got the appointment."

"Are you alright?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "Missed a few cycles and those tests where you piss on them freak me out so might as well go right to the source."

"You think you're pregnant?"

"Not like George and I haven't been trying for months."

We get in the car together and buckle our seatbelts, "Does that mean we're going to have kids at the same time?"

She sighs, "Not even sure if I'm pregnant Em,"

"Well.... You might be."

"And if we are then our kids are going to be best friends."

"Is it bad that I want you to have a girl so my Darcy and your whatever the fuck could get together someday?"

Violet laughs and pulls the car out of the Alley, "Doesn't have to be a girl for our kids to get together. Or if I have a girl she might be gay."

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