2012 - Violet's POV

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***A/N*** Hey hey! How are we all feeling today? Hopefully, I'll get another chapter out later today too but if I'm being totally honest with you it's a bit awkward writing in front of my roommate and he's home from work in a bit lol. He knows I write and has even gone and made himself a Wattpad account to follow me but I won't let him read any of it. Anywho's if I'm not back later today you'll definitely see me tomorrow! Till then xx


George leaves the bag he's just packed on the kitchen table before heading to get the girls.

"Do you trust what Daddy put in there for the day?" I ask Theo. He looks at me with wide eyes, "Cause I don't. You're not going to snitch on Mummy if she takes a look will you?"

"No, but I will!" Freddie sings as he comes into the kitchen. He climbs up onto the kitchen counter, "You don't trust Dad to pack a bag for the day?"

"I trust your father with my life," I say to him.

Freddie nods his head, "Trust him with your life just not the day bag?"

"When did you become so nosey hm?"

Freddie smiles, "I've always been nosy Mumma, thanks for finally noticing."

"You didn't put any whizbangs in your pockets did you?"

His smile fades and he puts his hand over his heart, "You hurt me, Mother. I would never in a million years think to bring whizbangs over to old great aunt Andromeda's house..."

I look at him with one of my eyebrows raised, "Okay so I may have put a few in that bag you're about to sort through.


"I'm seven! I get bored! I don't want to have to sit around in some old fart's house all day listening to other old farts talk about old fart stuff! I want to be where the action is!"

"Aunt Andromeda is not an old fart and neither are we!" I exclaim.

"Tell that to your wrinkly forehead," he says with a smirk on his face.

"Don't call your Mum wrinkly," George says. He's got a girl in either arm as he comes into the kitchen.

"You're son here hid whizbangs in the day bag," I say to him.

George does his best to fight the obvious smile that's creeping onto his lips, "You did, did you?"

Freddie shrugs, "Only a few."

"Only a few," I say as I pull out a paper baggie, "Freddie there's nearly two dozen in here!"

"Yeah! A few!" Freddie says, "Do we really have to go to tea?"

"Yes we have to go to tea," George says, "Andromeda was nice enough to invite us so we're going."

"But Mum could have the baby at any second! Can't you Mum?"

I nod my head, "Contractions started earlier today but it can take days for the baby to actually get here."

"When has it ever taken days for the baby to get here?" George asks me, "Are you sure you can do this?"

"I'll be fine Georgie. What's the worst that can happen? I give birth on Andromeda's kitchen table?"

"Well if you do that we've got no choice but to name it after her you know that right?"

"We've already got a star baby," I say to him.

Cassie shrieks, "Am I the star baby?"

"No," Ophelia says, "I'm the star baby."

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