2003- Emma's POV

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***A/N*** hey guys! Attached is the portrait of the infamous Travis Williams! You *officially* meet him in this chapter! Okay, that's about it! No promises but I might get a Violet POV out tonight sometime too! Till then (or the next time I have a day off work lol) xx


"Hey, Andrew! It's Emma!"

I twirl the phone wire in between my fingers as I talk. I've kept in touch with the Americans I met, we chat almost every other day. I'm sure I'll regret it when Wally and Lee make me pay the phone bill cause I'm the only one that uses it but hey ho.

"Hey, how are you?" Andrew says from the other line.

"I'm good, yeah good. Uh, I was wondering if you guys have any plans for England coming up? Maybe just a stop in?"

I can hear the others in the background, laughing and chatting like there's not a care in the world.

"We uh, we're actually going home soon. To America again. But if you want to meet up with someone I can give you Travis' number."

I look around at the empty flat. Walter and Lee are off looking at another house today, they've seen like eight since they told me that they are moving but Lee has high hopes for this one.

"Travis?" I question.

Andrew laughs, "He's a nice person, single...."

"Oh Godric," I laugh.

"Dunno who that is, but come on, go get a pen, I'll give you his number. I'll tell him to expect your call."

"Are you really going to try to set me up with your cousin?" I ask him.

He laughs, "Psh, no, what gave you that idea."

"Mhmm," I grab a pen and a pad of paper from the table and sigh, "Go on, what's the number."

Andrew gives me the number for his cousin then chats with me for a little longer before heading off to do whatever happy people do. I hang up the phone and stare at the number written on the paper in front of me.

"Couldn't hurt..." I say to myself. Walter and Lee's cat Piper rubs herself against my legs, "Hey Pipes? Couldn't hurt to try, right?"

I dial the number. It rings once, twice, three times,

"Hullo William's residence," a man's voice on the other side of the line says.

I clear my throat, "Hi, this is Emma calling..."

"Andrews friend?" he asks, "The one from Hogwarts?"

"That's me,"

He laughs, "Told me you'd call. I think I remember you. You were friends with the Weasley twins eh?"

"Yeah, amongst other people."

"Those boys made my life a living hell. That swamp by Umbridge's office? Made me late to class every day for the rest of the school year."

"What can I say? They loved their pranks."

"So..." Travis says, "Want to get a drink or something? So we can rehash our Hogwarts experiences?"

"Not very subtle are you?" I ask.

"I hate phone calls is all. Would be easier to just get dinner."

"Suppose. Where are you living?" I ask him.

"Now who's not being subtle?" He jokes, "I'm in London. Not too far from Diagon Alley actually."

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