2009- Lee's POV

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***A/N*** Hey guys! How are you all? Fair warning that I might not update in a bit after this one. School is starting up again for me and I've finally gotten my job back after yet another lockdown (Thanks Ontario), so my plate is going to be pretty full till I figure out a proper schedule. Don't worry though, I'll be back. Till then, love you lots and I'll see you when I see you. Toodles! xx


"What about this one?" I roll over in bed and hand Walter the bit of parchment that I was reading.

Walter laughs, "Lee, we're looking to adopt a human being, we can't go about it like we're looking for a vacation home."

"I want a kid," I jut my bottom lip out and Walter smiles before leaning over and kissing me softly.

"I want a kid too, but it's not like sorting through papers and taking the one we want. There are waitlists, and legal fees, and getting the house ready for inspections. You know we have a patch of stinging nettle in the back. I don't think an adoption agency is going to like the idea of a toddler running around in a lawn like that."

"Well, we're wizards! We need stinging nettle for... potions and whatever."

He snorts and sits up in bed, using a pen to mark his spot in the book he was working on, "When was the last time that you brewed a potion hm?"

"Three days ago!"

"That wasn't with George,"

I huff, "Seventh year..."

Walter stands from the bed and cracks his back, "Listen, darling, I want a kid just as bad as you, but we have to be smart about it. We can't just throw ourselves in the deep end without learning everything there is to know about children."

"Violet and George did," I grumble.

"Violet and George could have a kid whenever they wanted. We can't. So we've got a few more hoops to jump through. And who knows? Maybe our kid isn't even born yet."

"This isn't fair," I push the parchment off the bed and bury myself deeper into the blankets.

"I love you," Walter says. I can hear the smile in his voice."

"Love you too," I say from under the pillows.

"Violet and the kids are stopping by in a few hours. She's worried about them since they don't have a backyard to run around in."

"There's snow on the ground, snow taller than Cassiopeia."

"I'll go shovel."

I sit up in bed and look at him sideways, "You're not going to shovel."

"No, I'll make coffee though, see you in a few," He blows me a kiss, then picks Piper off the edge of the bed and carries her out into the hallway and down the stairs.

I know he's right. That we can't rush things, especially not when it comes to starting a family, but Godric, everyone that I know seems to be moving on with their lives and doing things that they want to be doing and the most Walter and I have done was get married last week. I haven't even told my mother yet.


I haven't even told my mother yet.

I get out of bed, pull on some trousers and a jumper before going downstairs to the phone we have outside of the kitchen. Mum loves that Dad and I are magic and can do magic, but she prefers the muggle way of communicating. To be fair, I do too. Waiting for an owl to arrive, hoping that it shows up to the right house is sort of exhausting. Whoever thought that owls were the best way of getting information from one spot to the other needs to sort themselves out.

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