2002- Emma's POV

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***A/N*** hey hey! Back again with an Emma chapter! If I don't pass out, I should have a Lee chapter out sometime in the next couple hours too. If not, it'll definitely be out sometime tomorrow! See you when I see you, xx


Yeah, France isn't for me.

It hasn't gotten any better since Elliott snogged that girl. In fact, it has gotten so much worse.

Take the other day for example. I wake up, put on this super cute pink jumper I got, and went into the living room.

Course I had to step over three half-naked women sleeping in the hall, and a few other topless humans in the living room.

But to top it all off, Elliott was sitting at the dining table with some girl's mouth on his dick. And because Elliott is Elliott he laughed when he saw me and asked if I wanted to switch positions with his slag.

I've been trying to stay out of the house as much as possible since then. It's been a lot of walks to nowhere and shopping trips that I don't need and can't fully afford. I've drained all the money that I had saved from my muggle job and now I'm living off of whatever was in mother and father's vault at Gringotts. It's not like they're ever going to use it again. Last I heard they're going to be rotting in Azkaban till they're nothing but bones.

It's October now, cold as sin, but the trees are pretty so I'm sitting outside at a café instead of inside.

"Excusez-moi madame, est-ce que quelqu'un utilise cette chaise?" A guy about my age asks. He puts his hands on the top of the chair and leans over a little. (Translation- Excuse me, ma'am, is anyone using this chair?)

I look up from my latte and smile at him, "C'est tout à toi," (Translation- It's all yours).

The guy picks up the chair, looks back at his friends who are sitting at a different table, then looks back at me, "Do you want to join us?" he asks in English. When I don't respond right away he asks, "Parlez vous anglais?" (Translation- Do you speak English?)

I nod, "Yeah, sorry, I – I don't want to intrude."

"I can't let you sit in the cold looking like your world just ended in good conscious," he nods towards his friends, "Come on, they don't bite."

I smile, genuinely this time, and get up, bringing my latte with me. The guy grabs my chair as well and brings them both over to the table where his friends are sitting.

"Oh, darling," the girl who I am now sitting beside whispers into my ear, "Your wand is sticking out of your boot."

I look down at my left boot where I stashed my wand and sure enough it's about halfway out. I tuck it back in and look at the girl, "I keep mine in my shirt sleeve," she whispers before pulling it out just a bit.

"Are you all..."

She laughs and nods her head, "We met at Ilvermorny in the states, moved here after graduation for a bit of culture. It was only supposed to be for six months but here we are, five years later... oh, I'm Michelle by the way."

"Emma," I say with a smile before I take a drink from my cup.

"That's Andrew, my partner, Carina is over there, that's Jared, and you've already met Quinn."

"Yeah, hello," I say and everyone around the table says hello back.

"You're not French are you?" Carina asks.

"What gave it away?" Quinn asks, "The fact that she's talking in a British accent?"

"If you're British, does that mean you went to Hogwarts?" Andrew asks me.

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