Chapter one

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-Third Person point of view-

"Right this way Agent Hill" the guard said leading Agent Maria Hill.

'Find out if she's the real deal Hill, we need her as an ally.' That was the last thing Director Fury had said to her and it was the only thing keeping her motivated to complete this mission. She couldn't wait to leave and return to SHIELD as soon as possible. Everything about this place made her feel unsettled. The screaming and psychotic laughs, the grime imbedded in the stained white walls, the random blood stains... but then again what else would you expect in an insane asylum?

The guard turned a corner and she followed him closely passing by an open room. Inside she caught a glimpse of a man in a hospital gown being pinned down and forced to take his medication. He kicked and yelled, rambling on about God knows what. It sent a shiver down her spine, and she looked away quickly keeping her eyes in front of her.

"This is it; I would advise you to be careful, this ones a handful and can be quite violent..." the guard said stopping in front of a plain white door.

"I'm sure I'll be fine" Maria responded with a small smile gesturing to the gun in her holster.

The guard nodded and left swiftly down the hallway. Maria opened the door and walked inside. The room was completely white and had a single window which was small and lined with iron bars that were beginning to rust. It smelled like something had died in there and looked like it too. In the corner of the room was a small patch of dried blood and it made her face twist in disgust. Along the wall was a steel bed with a thin mattress, that was practically falling apart, and on it sat a pale woman with tangled black long hair. She sat with her back faced to Maria and her hospital gown had patches of dried blood and dirt on it. She seemed to be mumbling nonsense to herself.

"Lilith" Maria said taking a step cautiously towards the rambling woman.

The woman snapped her head around to face the agent. She had dark circles beneath her wide grey eyes that suggested she hadn't slept for days. She looked utterly insane.

"What is it? I already took my fucking meds what more do you want from me!" Lilith snapped at Maria. Lilith narrows her eyes at the woman and in almost an instance her whole demeanour changed. A smile spread across her face. "You're not a doctor... who are you woman?"

"I'm Agent Maria Hill, I work for SHIELD and was sent to talk to you" Maria started, walking over to the bed to sit beside Lilith while still keeping her distance.

"Oh yes, SHIELD. I know them, you're one of Fury's flying monkeys" Lilith said in a hurried and groggy voice. "Believe it or not but you're not the first SHIELD agent to come to me, well, I guess you're the first alive one."


"Oh yes! I normally just talk to the ones who are on the other side" Lilith explained enthusiastically moving closer to Hill.

Maria automatically shifted back away from Lilith. She couldn't believe Fury would want to recruit someone like... her. A woman who rambled to herself and was covered in patches of blood that was unlikely her own. She seemed dangerous. She had spent five minutes with Lilith and could already tell she was a lunatic, what the hell was Fury thinking?

"That's actually what I'm here to talk to you about, Lilith. Your doctors say you talk to the dead, you commune with them." Lilith let out a shrill giggle and nodded her head.

"I think you mean a necromancer sweetie, yes I speak to them. They don't exactly like being referred to as 'the dead' though, they find it offensive really. Shit, some of them really do believe they are living and breathing like the rest of us, they are no less human then you or I" Lilith explained.

"Prove it, prove to me you're not lying and you can really communicate to them then" Maria said.

"Your wish is my command" Lilith sighed closing her eyes. Lilith concentrated hard and put all her focus into reaching the spirits on the other side. Suddenly the dim lights in the room began to flicker on and off. Maria felt a cold chill go down her spine as if the temperature had completely dropped.

"Your mother..." Lilith said opening her eyes. "She died after your birth right? Chicago, Illinois." Maria's eyes widened. She had never talked about her mother, she always felt as if her death was her own fault.

"Y-yes" she breathed out.

"Your mother says not to blame yourself for what happened to her... your father was cruel and too harsh to blame such a thing on a child who knew nothing" Lilith said with a blank face.

"So you really are a necromancer... well then that leads us to the next part. There was an idea. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could. SHIELD offers you a spot on a team and a way out of this place, you may have heard of them, they're called the Avengers".

A large smile spread across Lilith's face. Fury must be desperate if he was giving her a spot on the Avengers. She had heard of Earth's mightiest heroes from some other patients who could of sworn they fought hand to hand with them. She knew of their glory and how people around the world adored them. Captain America, the man out of time and all the other costume wearing dorks. However this was her chance, a one-way ticket out of this loony bin and she wasn't going to let it go.

"I'm in sweetheart, when do I start?"

"I'm in sweetheart, when do I start?"

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-Lilith Avenal-

After each chapter I'll be showing how I imagine Lilith in each Chapter. If you want to imagine yourself in her shoes feel free to change how she looks to fit you :)

- Lilly <3

( and I TOTALLY didn't base this character's name of my own or my user name that would be absurd ;) )

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