Chapter twenty three

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-Third Person Point of View-

Once the Avengers had arrived home Loki took Lilith back to her room. He lied her down in the bed and stayed with her until she eventually fell asleep. He loved seeing her in a peaceful state after seeing her look so vulnerable and frightened. Loki stepped out of Lilith's room, closing the door quietly behind him.

-Lilith's Point of View-

Darkness surrounded me. Complete and utter darkness. I couldn't see anything, but I could tell I was strapped down to something, something cold and metal, an operating table.

"Hello? Someone please help me!" I cried out. Panic rose in my chest and I start to kick and move but thick leather straps around my wrists and ankles held me down.

"Hello Lilith, dear, it's time for you next examination" a man's voice said. Suddenly a bright light appeared above me, lighting up everything in the room including the man's face. He was bald, older looking, had thick rimmed circular glasses and a terrifying face. His lips curled in an evil smile that sent shivers down my spine. "Did you miss me?"

"No, no this can't be happening! You're meant to be dead! I killed you!" I shout at the man. I wriggled against the restraints, trying to yank my limbs from the binds. The man let out a cruel and purely evil laugh as he flicked a syringe in his hand.

"Calm down dear you're delusional. Stop moving, it's time for your injections" the man came closer to me with the needle. I tried to move away from him, but he only moved closer. He stabbed it into my skin not bothering to be gentle. The liquid slowly flowed into my blood stream and my skin felt like it was on fire. I screamed in pain as my veins felt like they were burning me from the inside out.

"Get away from me!" I cry. I feel a sharp pain against my face as the man strikes me.

"Is that anyway to talk to your father?" a tear runs down my face as I look up at the man who abused me for years. He pulled out another needle and injected me with a serum that only made the burning sensation worse, I felt like I was dying.

"Please stop, please I'm begging you" I sob. The man strikes me again and I wince at the pain.

"Shut up you pathetic child! Your only here so I can use you for my experiments, nothing more! That's all your useful for! You bring nothing but pain to the world so the least you could do is suck it up and take it!" the man yelled angrily. "You're a monster."

"Father..." I breathe out as tears fall down my face. The door to the side of the room I was in open, and more scientists come in. They wore surgeon aprons and masks and had little to no expression on their faces.

"Begin the testing, we need to see if the serum has affected her, I'll be back in... five hours, you should be done by then" the man walked out of the room. One of the scientists held a small blow torch in their hand and ignited it.

"W-What are you doing?" I stutter out. The scientist came closer and closer. "Stop! What are you doing? TELL ME!" The scientist held the flame to the exposed flesh on my arm. "STOP!" I screamed as the flame burnt my flesh. Pain flooded my entire body and it felt like hell as they melted my flesh away. "PLEASE GOD, STOP!" Tears ran down my face as I screamed bloody murder as my arm was overcome with Searing pain.

I jolt awake, screaming in fear and yelling for them to stop. My heart races and my hand automatically goes to my arm. I rub my skin looking for an injury, but nothing was there. I look around to see I'm in my room sitting upright in my bed where Loki had left me. I look to the clock which sat on my bedside table, 12:00am. I jump at the sound of my bedroom door opening and a panicked Loki rushing to my side.

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Where stories live. Discover now