Chapter forty three

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-Lilith's Point of View-

"I'm so sad you'll be leaving in three days" Sif said with a pout slinging her arm over my shoulder, the sound of her armour clanking against mine which she had lent to me. Not to make my ego bigger than it already is but damn do I look good. "You must all come back to visit some day!"

"I would love to come back, that's if Fury doesn't have our heads for being gone for so long" Steve mumbles coming up beside us.

"Cheer up Star Spangled Man" Sif laughs leading us to the training area for the last time.

"Hey Fandral! Want to have a rematch?" I yell to the blonde, whose head perks up with a confident smirk spread across his face, tying up my hair.

"Of course Lady Lilith" Fandral goes to pick up a fencing sword, but I stop him.

"Nope we're using daggers this time" Loki tosses me an extra dagger from the weapons rack which I hand to Fandral. He looks at me unsure but amused. I pull out my own and ready myself by getting into a fighting stance. "What's wrong? Where did all that confidence go?" I tease getting a snicker from Loki.

"You two really are meant for each other" Fandral says rolling his eyes and getting into a fighting stance.

"Ready, set... go!"

Instantly I spring into action, swiping my dagger at his stomach and then his neck. Fandral jumps and leans backwards avoiding the blade. I jab for his side, but he catches my arm and twist it behind my back. Fandral goes to hold his blade to my throat, but I stomp on his foot making him release me giving me time to turn around and elbow him in the face. Fandral stumble backwards but quickly blocks my next hit and kicks him in the chest. He lands another hit to my side, and I lose my balance for a second.

I grip my side in pain but push through, running at him again with my blade. I jab my dagger at his stomach, but Fandral manages to grab my wrist and twist is to the side. He brings his blade up to my neck. I stand there out of breath with my other arm to my side. Sweat forming on both of our foreheads as we try to catch our breath.

"You lose again Lilith" he says triumphantly wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Not yet I don't!" catching Fandral off guard, I drop my dagger from my right hand and catch it with my left.

I rip my arm from his grasp and smack his hand sending the blade to the ground. I punch him in the jaw and then kick his stomach making him land hard on the ground. I step on his chest and hold the point of my dagger to the centre of his throat. A wide smirk on my face as I look down at the man through the strands of hair in my face.

"I win" I give the impressed man a smirk. I hear a slow clapping from behind us and turn to see Thor with a proud grin.

"Well done, Lilith! But how did you get so skilled? You barely train at the tower and have trained = once here" Thor asked in his usual booming voice, slinging his arm around my shoulders as I help Fandral up.

"Magic my dear Odinson" I wiggle my fingers at Thor with a giggle. "A magician never reveals her secrets."

"You do not train? How do you build strength and skill for your battles on Midgard?" Hogun tilted his head curious.

"Oh I haven't told you guys yet, I have powers which means I don't really have to train" I say simply. "I can communicate with spirits and raise and manipulate the dead." The warriors looked at me fascinated and bewildered.

"That's amazing!" Sif exclaimed. "May you show us?"

"Well I could predict one of your deaths if one of you would like to volunteer" immediately Volstagg stepped forwards.

"Please would you use me for the example, lady Lilith" he asked holding out his hand. I nod my head and take his large hand and close my eyes. Images flash in my mind and my eyes snap back open now a pale white. I see a woman who has long dark black hair kill Volstagg as he tries to defend Asgard. I look up at the curious man who was itching with anticipation.

"You die in battle, defending Asgard" his eyes gleam and he nods his head. I release his hand.

"I am going to Valhalla my friends" he said proudly to the others.

"So I'm assuming you don't want me to change it around, perhaps let you die at the hands of an angry Sif after you've stolen another one of her pastries?" I joked patting him on the back.

"Oh I'd like that" Sif teases holding up her sword.

"You are truly remarkable Lady Lilith" Volstagg laughed shoving Sif to the side jokingly.

"That she is" Loki came up to me and kissed my cheek. I feel my cheeks blush as he snakes his hand around my waist and pulls me close. Nat and Wanda smirk to me while Peter and Pietro pretend to gag. Tony however was planning someone's funeral and was paying off Bucky and Sam to make it happen.

-Third Peron's Point of View-

"I win" the young maid watched the group intensely trying to figure out if Odin was right. If Lilith did have an ulterior motives or special abilities. If anything she seemed like a remarkable woman and warrior.

She couldn't help but think Odin's theory about the Avengers was a bit of a stretch. They're heroes after all, what could they possibly want with the throne?

"Oh I haven't told you guys yet, I have powers which means I don't really have to train" Lilith said simply. "I can communicate with spirits and raise and manipulate the dead." The maid's eyes widen at Lilith's words.

"Necromancy" she breathed out stunned trying not to be too loud. Lilith, a woman who could quite literally control the dead. Was Odin, right? Perhaps Lilith is involved... possessing a dark magic like necromancy had to mean something. The maid quickly left her hiding spot and dashed off searching for the Allfather.

"Your Majesty" she bowed out of breath once she reached the thrown room. "Y-You were right, Lilith she is a necromancer. She predicted Fandral's death, and she said she could change a person's demise! The assassination, she has to be involved your majesty with that kind of dark magic!"

Odin who sat on his throne had a stern look as always. Internally he was smiling to himself, he was right. This woman was trying to get power she had to be it was the only possible option in his mind. Why else would she be here and be courting Loki? He couldn't think or come to another conclusion.

"Guards, summon the warriors and the Avengers to the throne room. Young woman, you may go" Odin ordered.

-Lilith Avenal-

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-Lilith Avenal-

I know I used memes instead of my OC for the image for the last three chapters but that has been because I haven't had time, and mostly because I forgot and was sleeping...

ALSO I know I said in this timeline Ragnarok, infinity war and Endgame don't happen, but I wanted to stick with their cannon deaths that happen in the movies. That's all 😊

~ Lilly <3

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Where stories live. Discover now