Chapter thirty two

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-Third Peron Point of View-

"I have been told you ladies are quite the warriors, and every warrior needs a weapon" Frigga said leading the woman into a black smith.

They stepped into the Blacksmith. Along the walls were swords, daggers, battle axes each completely different from one another yet all of them equally as beautiful. Some were engraved with words and others held precious jewels and stones

"My queen" a large man with broad shoulders said bowing. He had bright red hair and dark brown eyes. As he stood back up I noticed his back shirt and vest were a little dirty and beads of sweat formed on his forehead from welding together armour. He bowed before Frigga and rose again.
"Ladies this is Marshall, he is one of the most talented black smiths in Asgard, he has made many of Loki's daggers and a few of Lady Sif's swords. His talent is unmatched" Frigga went on boosting the man's ego.

"You're much too kind my Queen" Marshall said in a deep voice with a grin on his face. "What will you be need this time?"

"These ladies are Wanda, Natasha and Lilith, friends of the princes and they'll be staying for a while. During their stay I wanted to get them each a gift, we went to Ace for gowns and now you for weapons."

"Ah of course, who else would you go to for clothes other then Ace Lightwood, best tailor in all the nine realms he says along with many others." Marshall said with a small chuckle. "Did you ladies want anything in particular? Swords, bows, axes, crossbows?" Marshall listed pointing to each of the weapons around the Blacksmith.

"I would go for the bow but I don't want to steal Clint's thunder" Nat said examining some of the swords.

"Something small and concealable but deadly" Lilith said with a mischievous smirk on her face. "Something I can slip under my dress and pull out at any moment." Marshall smiled impressed and walked over to his bench where he grabbed a glass case which was held an assortment of daggers and knives.

"I like the way you think Lady Lilith, take a look at these. Some of my best works these ones, pick any one you ladies please, half price for friends of the Queen" Marshall laid out of the daggers and knives across the bench separating the two. They all looked beautiful and glimmered in the light which shone from the fireplace in the corner.

Natasha was the first to pick up a dagger. In her hands she held a weapon that had a gold handle with lots of small details and engravings and a white and gold marbled blade.

Wanda was next and she chose a thinner dagger with a gold and red handle with a silver blade. The handle had tiny flowers on it they were scarlet like her magic with tiny green leaves.

Lilith was last and a certain blade caught her eye. She picked up a dagger with a black handle with a swirl of rose gold going around it. The blade of the weapon was also a rose gold/copper and was so sharp it could cut through anything with little force. All their weapons shone in the light and fitted each of them perfectly. Marshall wrapped the weapons up for them and Frigga handed him the gold plus a large tip.

(Shown in order as mentioned)

(Shown in order as mentioned)

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