Chapter thirty six

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-Third Person Point of View-

The ball had finally started as guests were filing into the grand ballroom from all over the nine realms. Tables full of food were against the wall at all four sides and the centre of the ballroom was full of people dancing to the elegant music the castle orchestra played.

"What's the matter Avenal? First royal ball?" Stark nudged the girl who was twisting the emerald ring on her finger. Lilith scoffed at Tony and rolled her eyes.

"Nonsense Stark! I've been to plenty of royal balls and parties, can't you tell" Tony chuckled and left to find a servant handing out ale. The Avengers had spread out across the ballroom trying to mingle with the nobles and other royals.

Thor and Loki had left to go speak to some kings and Queens leaving the group to fend for themselves. Pietro was trying to chat up a poor girl from Alfheim and Bucky was having difficulty explaining his metal arm to a group of small princes and princesses. Peter stood awkwardly by the wall with Lilith as they watched Wanda & Vision and Nat & Steve dance in the centre.

"Dobyou think we have the skill to do that?" Peter asked tilting his head to the dancing women and men. At that moment the girls were lifted into the air and spun around to elegantly land back onto the floor.

"Nope" Lilith said making a popping noise for the P.

The two stood talking to each other laughing and giggling at Pietro's failed attempts at flirting with the women as Sif and the warriors three made their way towards them. Instead of their usual armour, Sif wore a lovely dark blue dress, and the warriors wore more formal attire.

"You two look dashing" Volstagg said jollily finishing off his ale.

"Indeed you do" Fandral bent down, and kissed Lilith's hand making Sif cringe and flick his ear. "Hey! Can't I be polite~"

"No, no you can't" Hogun deadpanned making Fandral scowl.

"Thank you Volstagg, you all look handsome and gorgeous as well" Lilith poked Fandral's nose and linked arms with Sif. "But if you excuse me, I'm going to dance with Lady Sif."

Sif raised her eyebrow fascinated and smirked.

"After you then" the two girls laughed as they left the men confused and walked out on the dance floor. They linked hands and began to dance and twirl in sync with the other pairs and fumble around not having a care in the world. "You're not such a bad dancer."

"Why thank you M'lady, I try" Lilith replied scrunching up her nose. She stopped dancing with Sif when she felt a large hand rest on her shoulder and a man clear his throat.

"Excuse me madam, may I have this dance?" Lilith turned to see Loki back with a lopsided grin on his face. Sif winked to Lilith and excused herself away from the two.

"Why of course your highness, who would I be to refuse a prince?" Loki chuckled and rolled his eyes. Grabbing her hand and pulling her close to his chest, laying his second hand on her lower back.

"Must you always be so sarcastic?"

"Of course! Especially since you interrupted my dance with Sif" the two laughed and chatted as they danced to the soft music. Loki twirled Lilith around and pull her back into his arms making pink appear across her cheeks.

"You've gotten better since the last time we danced" Loki commented dipping Lilith ad raising her back up.

"Is that meant to be a compliment?" Lilith gasped dramatically.

"You know what I take it back now" Loki rolled his eyes playfully. Lilith laughed loudly and spun Loki around this time catching him by surprise.

"You know you love me" she said with a smirk. Loki looked at her dark stormy eyes with admiration and smiled softly. He pushed a strand of hair from her face as they danced, and the song came to a near end. The orchestra stopped playing their instruments and the crowd around the dancing pairs gave a small round of applause. The two stood in the middle of the dance floor. Loki grabbed Lilith's hands hesitantly ready to tell her what he wanted to tell her since he gave her the ring.

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Where stories live. Discover now