Chapter forty seven

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-Third Person's Point of View-

A few days had passed since Loki stormed off to his chambers and he hasn't left since. All day and night he stayed in his bedroom refusing to speak to anyone and wouldn't open his door. Maids would come and go leaving meals in front of his room, but they would never be touched.

"Prince Loki your presence have been requested" Margret knocked on the prince's door hoping he would answer and get some kind of fresh air. No answer. "My prince the queen is insistent" still no answer. Margret sighed and shook her head. "Very well, good afternoon prince Loki."

Margret walked with her hands in front of her dress to Frigga's study where she sat sorting through paperwork. When she looked up to see Margret alone, she let out a long sigh.

"You'd think he'd want to know about his girlfriend's court date" Frigga took out a piece of parchment and wrote a quick message. Once she finished, she folded it and sealed it with blue wax which she stamped with a cursive F. "Send this down to Lilith's cell please Margret."

Margret took the letter and walked down to the dungeon's entrance where she handed the note to the guards at the door. Lilith lied on her back facing the plain ceiling. Around her was a field of mess and broken pieces of glass, porcelain, etc. She threw up in the air a broken piece of plate and caught it, repeating this over and over again as the only source of entertainment.

She had already finished the whole series of Harry Potter in the two weeks which had passed nearing to three. Well she thought it was three, maybe it was four or five, who knew? She didn't have a watch or calendar, mostly just the thoughts of how ballistic Fury would go. The Avengers had been gone for a long time. Perhaps Earth had already met it's doom by now, maybe there were more aliens or murder bots... maybe Hydra managed to take over for good.

"A letter from the queen" the guard's raspy and deep voice snapped Lilith out of her own thoughts. She caught the broken piece of plate and collected the letter from the hatch, giving the guard a sarcastic sweet smile.

"Thanks..." Lilith used the broken piece to open the letter then threw it to the side. As she read the first couple of sentences her heart swelled and for the first time in a while, she felt pure happiness and relief.

'Dear Lilith,

The Allfather, Odin, has established your court date. In three days' time you are to stand trial for your crimes. You will stand trial for plotting against the crown and man slaughter. The Avenger's shall be present along with anyone else who was present for the crimes. Proper clothes shall be sent down so you may appear in more appropriate clothing.

We shall see you soon,

Queen of Asgard, Frigga'


"Do you have my gold?" a voice says. A tall woman whose face was covered by a cloak walks over to the far end of the bar where a small group sat. One of the men at the end of the table slid over a bag full of gold and the woman stashed it away in her back pocket.

"You know what to do. They'll never see it coming, word got around and Odin already imprisoned some random girl" the man snickered downing his drink.

"Remind me again why you want to get rid of the king?" the assassin said lowering her voice to not grab any attention towards the group.

"Quiet Katherine!" the man hissed to the assassin placing his cup onto the table harshly.

"Because he's cruel and a terrible ruler. We struggle everyday and live in poverty because Odin does not listen to our needs. The only ones being cared for in Asgard are the rich and the princes are never here to see it and the oaf doesn't listen to his wife" an older looking woman at the table complained.

"Huh, no wonder you want the man gone, thank god I don't live in Asgard" Katherine said taking one of the man's drinks and finishing it off. "In three days' time, the king will be no more and you'll pay me the rest of my gold" the woman lowered her head and disappeared out of the old bar, her cloak flowing behind her gracefully.

"Did you hear that?" Ace said nudging his friend in the arm harshly. "We have to warn Frigga, let's go!" Marshall pulled Ace back onto his bar stool and held the man firmly.

"Hey, stop that! Let's go already! If it's evidence against those scum bags you're worried about don't, on this tape recorder I got from one of those merchants I got there whole conversation!" Ace held up the tape recorder which he had animated. It squirmed in his hand and played the recording quietly so only they could hear.

"First of all why do you have a tape recorder?" 

"I got it from the merchants who travel between the nine realms, plus I like to record any ideas I get for new dresses, etc." as he explained Marshall rolled his eyes and shoved the recorder back into Ace's jacket pocket. 

"Put that away someone will see it! Have patience, we still have three days and if you leave now in a hurry, they'll know we heard them. We can see Frigga soon; it's late anyway I doubt they'll let us into the castle" Marshall hissed. Ace slumped and drank his wine with a pout. "Don't sulk, we'll help Lady Lilith as soon as we can."

"But not soon enough..." Ace leaned his head on the bar.

" Ace leaned his head on the bar

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-Brie Larson-

In my mind this is what Ace looks like right now 😌⚰️🔪

~ Lilly <3

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