Chapter forty one

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-Third Person Point of View-

The next morning Lilith woke up earlier than the other Avengers and the princes. Getting dressed quickly into a dark green tunic and long black trousers she pulled on a pair of boots and went out to the gardens.

She had a tough time falling asleep that night after what had happen. She couldn't shake the thought that she was a monster who killed living things just by her touch. That whole night she couldn't get rid of the fear that one day she might feel so happy she couldn't even be touched by a member of the team without killing them.

It was a horrifying thought to have.

Lilith went around the garden picking a variety of flowers from the bushes before dashing back into to her room. Closing the door behind her carefully, to not wake anyone up, she sat on the floor and laid the flowers out in front of her.

"You got this Lil, just breath, you're not a monster. I can do this" Lilith whispered to herself.

She picked up the first flower. It was the smallest and was a light blue, it's petals fully bloomed and vibrant. Lilith thought about all the happiest memories she had with the team. Nat, Wanda, Peter, and Tony filled her thoughts as she tried to recreate that burst of emotion.

Quicker than last night, the flower she held wilted and became a dark black. It shrivelled up in her hand and bent over as petals began to fall from the stem.

Lilith pouted at the horrible sight but tried to keep her little bit of hope. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she tried her hardest to focus all her energy on the flower. Using all her power to try to breath life back into it. It seemed ridiculous in her mind that she could give it life considering her power was to manipulate and communicate to the dead.

Peaking open her eye she looked at the flower to find it hadn't changed from it's dead and shrivelled state.

"It's fine, it's fine. I can just try again" Lilith mumbled to herself. She picked up a different flower and repeated the process again.

Thinking over memories that would bring out the strongest emotions within her to make the flower wilt. Then, focusing all her energy again, she tried to give life back to the plant. Pleading in her head it would work, but when Lilith peaked open an eye, she saw the flower remained the same yet again.

Trying again and again for what felt like hours, she had gone through nearly every flower and had no progress.

"Why the fuck is this so difficult!" Lilith groaned frustrated. She buried her head in her hands in anger only causing the flowers to wither away more.

"Lilith? Are you okay?" Wanda asked peaking through Lilith's bedroom door.

"No" Lilith peaked up her head to see Wanda who gave her a sad smile. She sunk to the floor to wrap Lilith in her arms tight and brushed the hair from her face.

"What's wrong? I came to get you for lunch and heard you yelling, you haven't ate all day" Wanda said in a soothing voice.

"Last night I was holding the flower Loki gave me and just with my emotions, I killed it. It wilted in my hands, and I thought maybe if I could bring it back to life, I could convince myself I'm not a monster." Lilith rested her head against Wanda as she stroked through Lilith's long black hair. "As you can see it was an utter failure. I'm a monster Wanda."

"You aren't a monster Lilith, you truly aren't" Wanda straightened Lilith and held her hands. "Maybe I can help you, everything takes practice we can't get everything right on the first try. Vision helped me with my magic, he taught me it can be beautiful even if I still fear it, let me help you."

"Wanda, I tried, it's not use" Wanda furrowed her eyebrows and picked up one of the remaining flowers. It was a rich shade of blue and shimmered in the sunlight which poured through the windows. She placed it in Lilith's hands.

"Try, it can't hurt to give it one more go" she said encouraging Lilith to the best of her ability.

"Fine..." Lilith sighed. Taking a deep breath she thought of memories to get some kind of strong emotion. The only difference being that these weren't happy memories anymore, they were miserable.

Thoughts of her time at Hydra ran through her mind. The torture, neglect and abuse playing over and over in her head. Instantly the flower died making her wince. She didn't even need to open her eyes; it was almost as if she could feel the life being drained from it now.

"Okay now try to give it life, Lil. Think of the happiest memories you have, the ones full of love and joy. I believe in you, you can do this" Wanda reassured her with a  wide grin.

Lilith did as she said. Thinking of all their good times together with the others. Every dumb decision, every bonding experience, every attempt the team made to make her feel welcomed when she arrived. The night they accepted her and her past and the night she finally kissed Loki.

"Lilith look!" Wanda gasped. She opened up her eyes to see the rich blue beginning to peak through the black and grey. Slowly the flower began to straighten and it bloomed once more. Lilith let out a shocked laugh and hugged Wanda.

"I did it! I brought it back to life, Wanda thank you!" the girls laughed as they fell to the ground. Lilith kissed Wanda's cheek platonically and held up the flower in her hand to admire it and her hard work.

"I'm very proud of you Lilith, but now you need to eat. Come on" Wanda pulled Lilith to her feet. Linking arms they walked down to the dining area where the others sat eating and talking loudly.

"I'm telling you! I could beat you in archery if you give me a week to train!" Sam argued with Clint across the table as the others laughed.

"Sure you could flappy bird" Tony commented as he drank a cup of ale. "Oh thank god you found our little grim reaper! I thought I'd have to tell Fury we lost you and we need a knew one" Tony teased.

"Ha, ha hilarious as always Stark" Wanda shot back sarcastically.

"Lilith, we should be heading back to Midgard soon as we have stayed here for nearly three weeks and Director Fury has been requesting us back for a while. Heimdall doesn't know how long he can ignore him, even he fears the director" Thor said with a shudder.

"Well if we're going then we have to train at least one more time with Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg and Sif before leaving. We've only trained with them once" Lilith pointed out.

"We've trained with them quite a few times actually, you've just been asleep darling" Loki grinned.

"You guys' suck" Lilith mumbled sinking back into her chair.

"You love us Lil~" Pietro sang throwing a grape into his mouth with a dopey smile.

-Tom Holland-

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-Tom Holland-


~ Lilly <3

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