Chapter sixteen

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-Lilith's Point of View-


I drop my gun and it clatters on the ground. Blood trickles down my face and stains my dress, what had I done. Apollo Astor lied on the ground, a bullet in his brain and it was my fault. I turn around to see the rest of the team in shock. I look at Steve, he looked terrified.

"S-Steve I..." I tried to say something, but no words came out of my mouth, what could I say? I looked to Tony who looked stunned. "T-Tony I didn't mean to... I'm sorry I- I don't know why I-" I couldn't form a proper sentence. Tony walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug.

"It's alright kid, he was a criminal with a lot of enemies. His time was practically up" Tony said trying to console me. I felt a single tear fall down my face, I was in shock.

Tony lets me go and walks me over to Loki who wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Sshh darling, everything's going to be okay" I look up at Loki with glossy eyes. I try to talk but Loki hushes me and wraps me into a tight hug. "Don't speak now, just rest."

The doors of the mansion opened and in walked SHIELD. The director and agent Hill were in front of everyone, and they stopped dead in their tracks. I could see them looking horrified at the massacre, blood was everywhere, it was horrifying.

"What the hell happened here?" Fury shouted in disbelief. "Avenal!"

"Fury-" Cap tried to defend, me but Fury cut him off.

"Shut it Rogers, Avenal! What the hell have you done?" Fury demanded, ripping me from Loki and grabbing my shoulder to make me face him.

"It was a mistake Fury I fucked up, I'm sorry" I said in almost a whisper, looking into Fury's eye. He tried to look menacing but after tonight nothing seemed scary.

"You're sorry? Sorry won't bring these people back!" Fury barked. He glanced over to the now deceased Apollo Astor and his face only grew angrier. "You shot Astor! We needed him! He was going to tell us everything we needed to know!"

I glare at Fury and take a step closer to him.

"Are you really that fucking stupid?" I ask him mockingly. I could see Pietro face palm in the corner, it seemed everyone had expected Fury to shoot me or kill me on the spot with his bare hands. "I can talk to the dead you idiot! It doesn't matter who the hell I kill I can always bring them back! And what's better, now stay with me now I know you're a bit dim witted but bear with me, I can make them bend to my will!"

Fury glowered at me. If he didn't hate me before then he did now but I didn't care anymore, he knew I could overpower him and kill everyone in the room if I really wanted to. Hell, with the number of corpses I could make an army and have them do it for me. I wave my hand and the corpse of Astor sits up right making Wanda shriek.

"Tell them everything you know" I order the corpse. It nods its head and saunters over to Fury and stops in front of him, its lifeless eyes looking at him waiting for instruction. Blood still trickling from the clean hole in his head. "You have an hour before it wears off." 

I go to walk past Fury but he grabs my arm and pulls me close to him. He looks down at me with a death stare. 

"Thin ice Avenal, thin ice." Fury hisses. I tug my arm form him and stumbled back a little. "Now get out of here."


"Lilith are you in here?" Loki asks walking through the library doors. I try to hide and slump down on the couch, but his face appears looking over me. "Nice try darling."

"What do you want Loki?" I ask throwing my book to the side and sitting up, giving him space to sit next to me. Tears stains still on my cheeks and my nose a little red. 

"Can't I spend time with my best friend?" Loki teases. I roll my eyes and smile at him.

"So I'm your best friend now? Wanda and Peter won't be too happy to hear this" Loki laughs a little and sighs.

"I'll give them sweets to make up for it then" Loki says. "Lilith, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Lokes" Loki put his hand on mine and looked me in the eyes, his expression now serious.

"Are you okay? And don't just say yes because you feel like you have to, are you really, okay? Earlier Rogers was out of line, he was going to come apologises but I thought I should talk to you first; however I worry about you. I have never seen you... snap before. I know what it likes to feel as if the whole world is against you and how it feels to not be enough, so I ask you this as someone who cares about you deeply, darling. Are you okay?" I looked into Loki's eyes not sure what to say. I stay silent for a while and I couldn't help but fiddle with the ring he gave me, it had become a habit I couldn't help, it helped me.

"Loki, I... I don't know. All I know is that I shouldn't have snapped at Steve. Am I okay? Probably not but I think it's just best to... leave it, alright?" I say slowly trying to put the right words together. "I don't know how to put what I feel into words, it's like I love you all but I feel like I'm constantly messing up but let's just not talk about it, please" Loki looked at me with a sad expression and nods his head understandingly.

"You look exhausted, maybe we should go to bed" Loki said helping me stand up.

"Can I stay with you tonight? I don't want to be alone" I ask hesitantly. "You don't have to say yes its just I-"

"Of course Lilith, now come on" green magic swirled around us, and we appeared in a green, gold, and black decorated room. Loki led me over to his four poster bed and I lie down on the soft green pillows. It felt softer than a cloud! Loki started to walk away towards the couch in the corner of his room.

"Where are you going?" I ask sitting up.

"To the couch...?"

"Nonsense this is your room I will not let you sleep on the couch" I pat the other side of the bed, "get over here loser." Loki rolled his eyes and climbed into the bed with me. "Goodnight Lokes."

"Goodnight Lilith."

-Robert Downey Junior-

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-Robert Downey Junior-

Have a wonderful day :)

~ Lilly <3

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