Chapter thirty five

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-Lilith's Point of View-

We arrived back at the castle and the horses were taken back to their stabled to be taken care of.

"Oh good you're all back" Frigga said coming into the stables holding the bottom of her dress up. "All of you need to get ready for the ball."

"Ball?" Thor asked confused.

"Yes, dear that's what I said. In honour of your friends and your and Loki's return to Asgard, your father is hosting a ball. Now go get ready!" Frigga turned to leave but spun back around quickly, "oh! And some other royals are coming so don't get too drunk Thor" Frigga said before rushing out of the stables to prepare.

"You heard the queen, Avengers. Suit up" Tony said clapping his hands together.


I was just finished having a bath and was picking out my gown when I heard a small knock at the door.

"Come in" I say. The door opens and in walks a young girl who appears to be a maid. She had long ginger hair which was tide back into a neat bun and beautiful green eyes. "Yes?"

"The queen has ordered me to help you get ready as the ball is in an hour, that is if you'd like help Miss" the girl said quietly.

"Yes please I desperately need help" I laugh awkwardly gesturing the girl over. "I have never really been to a fancy ball, well there was this one time, but it didn't end very well. What was your name sweetheart?"

"Margret miss".

"That's a beautiful name and please just call me Lilith." 

"Thank you, m- I mean Lilith" Margret said with an innocent smile. I laugh to myself a little and turn back to the large range of dresses Ace had made for me.

"Now if you wouldn't mind, Margret, please help me chose a dress. I am in dire need of assistance and quite useless at the moment."

Margret helped me get ready by doing my hair, makeup and choosing me a beautiful dress. Margret helped me put on a large dark green ball gown that was very puffy and grand. It was an off the shoulder dress and had no back to it. Margret clasped a translucent black cloak around me with gold pauldrons that sat on my shoulders.

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She brushed my hair back and braided it to the side after gently applying some natural and light makeup

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She brushed my hair back and braided it to the side after gently applying some natural and light makeup.

"I do hope you like it Lilith" Margret held a small mirror in front of me. My jaw dropped at how beautiful I looked because of her, I couldn't help but gawk, I've never felt so pretty before.

"Wow" I say with my jaw still on the ground. "You did amazing, I can't believe that's me!" I exclaim pointing to my reflection. Margret blushed at the compliment and smiled to herself. "Your turn now!"

"What? But I'm not going to the ball" Margret said flustered as I pushed her into a chair and began to braid her hair.

"Doesn't mean you can't treat yourself; this is my way of saying thank you" Margret smiled as I braided her hair and applied makeup to her face. We laughed and joked as I gave her a mini make over. I braid her hair back into a bun and dusted her cheeks with a peach blush. Adding the final touch of highlight on the tip of her small nose, I hand her a mirror.

"I..." Margret says gazing at her reflection. Her eyes got teary as she looks at herself and then up at me. "Thank you, Lilith, no one's ever done something like this for me."

"You're welcome, Margret" I bring the young girl into an embrace, careful not to ruin her hair or makeup. "Crap I'm going to be late! I better get down to that ball otherwise the Queen may have my head." Margret lets out a small laugh and lets me go.

"Enjoy your night Lilith."

"You too Margret, bye!" I call to her before rushing out of the bedroom door and down the hallways to find the others. I hold the giant ball gown off the floor careful not to trip as I quickly dash down corridors.

As I continue to run, I hear chattering and guests laughing. As I turn a corner and run through a doorway I see the team, Frigga and Allfather waiting in a giant ball room. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling and curtains wear draped over large glass windows which looked out to the kingdom of Asgard. Servants were setting up food and final touches and the warriors and Sif were teasingly Thor.

"Oh there she is! Took you long enough" Pietro says rolling his eyes. "Where were you?"

"Making friends speedy, met a lovely girl named Margret and braided her hair" I walk over to Peter and pinch his cheeks. "Look at you all dressed up!"

"Stop it Lil!" Peter pestered shoving me away. He wore a darker and more formal version of his armour fit for the ball and still had the spider web pattern over his cloak. "I know I'm adorable but please~" Peter said flipping back his hair dramatically.

-Third Peron Point of View-

From a meter or so away the Asgardian prince looked over the girl with hearts in his eyes. Lilith looked so graceful and beautiful, especially in his colours. Thank God he suggested Margret to help her get ready, 'I'll have to thank her later', he noted to himself.

"Loki, are you alright?" Wanda asked with a smirk.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Loki asked glancing to the witch who had a lopsided smile on her face.

"nothing, it's just if your heart rate goes any quicker you may have a heart attack" Vision responded from beside his wife. (Yes, they're married in this <3)

Loki left the two to head over to Lilith who was still teasing Peter as well as Clint now. He tapped her on the shoulder catching her attention, as she spun around her dress flowed effortlessly and her hair flung over her shoulders.

"Don't you look dashing as well!" Lilith said grabbing Loki's cheeks. "Oh my boys, they're growing up to be... well-dressed boys! I was going to say men but that didn't sound right" Clint flicked her arm causing her to go into a fit of giggles.

"Thank you darling, you look gorgeous as well" Loki cooed admiring her while pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I know, your highness," she said with a bow.

"I know, your highness," she said with a bow

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-Benedict Toyota Hatch-

Yes it's 1:04am. yes I should be sleeping. Yes I may be sleep deprived. But will that stop me? no.

~ Lilly <3

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