Chapter twenty two

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-Third Peron Point of View-

"Alright Avengers let's get this over with" Steve ordered the group. Lilith lied on Sam's lap fast asleep, snoring softly. "Can someone please wake her up."

Pietro walked over to Lilith and poked her arm until she woke up with a sour look on her face.

"What the hell-"

"Lilith did you hear anything I just said" Steve deadpanned with his hands on his hips. Lilith rubbed her eyes and sat up properly, adjusting her clothes. She didn't have an official 'fighting outfit' or 'super suit' as Tony put it, so she had to borrow one of Nat's cat suits and it was extremely uncomfortable. To add her own spin to it she threw a red leather jacket over it.

"Yeah um, something about infiltrating a Hydra base, taking down bad guys, the usual" Lilith muttered still half asleep. "Another thing about waking me up at 4:00 in the fucking morning."

"Language! And always keep your earpiece in." Steve added. "Well at least you know the basics, let's go" Steve sighed. Everyone climbed out of the Quin Jet and snuck around the side of the Hydra base. Cap breaks the lock on the heavy metal door with his shield and kicks open the door. Immediately rounds of bullets are fired and Natasha pulls Lilith out of the way and around a corner.

"Where's your weapon?!" Nat asked Lilith as she took down Hydra agents.

"I have powers remember?" Lilith dead panned. Natasha growled annoyed and held a dagger and gun in front of Lilith.

"Pick one- I know you have powers and can raise the dead but that won't be enough. Bring a weapon next time please" Lilith rolled her eyes and grabbed the gun from Natasha's hands and cocked it. "You're lucky you know how to use a gun and you're a decent shot."

"Yeah, whatever mum" Lilith rounded the corner and ran down the hallways of the base, taking out each Hydra agent with a shot of her gun. "What exactly are we looking for?" Lilith said into her earpiece.

"Nothing. We're just meant to clean this place out for SHIELD so they can recover any files that were taken" Clint said over the earpiece, firing an arrow into a man's arm.

"Huh, well this is boring" Lilith said. A woman throws a punch at her which she blocks and returns. The woman stumbles back, and Lilith kicks her in the chest sending her into the wall.

Lilith waves her hand and the Hydra agents which laid dead on the ground next to them rose. Their bloody faces turned to the Woman and lunged at her. The woman screamed as Lilith walked past them and down the dingy hallways of the base. She walked into a room were two scientists sat in front of a range of computers which showed the cameras and a panel of switches connected to the doors and speakers. Lilith fired to round of her gun taking them out. She stepped over them and took a seat at the desk. A few minutes later music was pumping through the speakers catching the Avengers off guard.

"Seriously Lilith?" Tony grumbled.

"Yep, enjoy tin can."

Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows
Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together
Brighter than a lucky penny
When you're near the rain goes, disappears, dear
And I feel so fine
Just to know that you are mine

Lilith ran back out to the action and fought alongside the rest of the others. She shot Hydra agents as they ran through the hallways towards them. Behind her she could hear the Hulk raging and lightning electrocuting people left and right.

My life is sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows
That's how this refrain goes
So come on, join in, everybody

Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows
Everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way
When you're in love to stay

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