Chapter thirteen

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-Lilith's Point of View-

I lead Loki out of the club and down the streets of New York. I hadn't realised how late it really was, the streets were completely empty and there wasn't a sign of a single soul.

"Darling where are we?" Loki asked looking around in a bit of a drunken haze.

"Like I said, somewhere more fun and less crowded" I spread my arms to gesture to the small and quiet park which was illuminated by dim lights. Loki raised his eyebrow at me.

"A children's playground?"

"Yes! Come on now!" I take Loki's hand again and run over to the playground. We climb up the ladder and walk along the platforms to the giant red slide. I take a seat at the top of the slide and push off sending myself spiralling down. I let out a giggle as I slide down and the wind flows through my hair. "Your turn!"

"Are you sure you're not seven?" Loki asked sarcastically.

"Come on Lokes! Have a little fun, be a kid with me!" Loki rolls his eyes in defeat and slides down the red slide. When he reaches the bottom, I could see the broad smile on his face that he tries to hide from me. "Admit it! You enjoyed it~"

"Or I'm just extremely drunk" Loki shot back. 

We roam over to the flying fox which stretched  from one end of the park to the other. I hold on tight and push myself off. I go flying down the line all the way to the other end, laughing all the way there. I push the handle back down to Loki who catches it and gives in to my childish antics. He holds onto it and goes flying towards me on the flying fox. I couldn't help but laugh at his childish grin as he tried to keep his feet from touching the ground. "Okay... maybe I did enjoy that one."

"Come on!" Loki and I run over to the round about and get on it. "Ready Lokes?" before Loki could answer me, I summon multiple spirits to spin the round about making it go super fast. Loki shrieked and grabbed the handlebar with one hand and my hand with his other. I laugh and control the spirits to spin us faster.

"Lilith! Slow down we're going to- LILITH!" Loki and I go flying off the round about and onto the slightly damp grass with a thud. I feel myself land on top of Loki with my body pressed against his chest and our hands still linked . Loki let's out a groan and a low chuckle. "Well done, Lilith."

"Shut up" I groan as I roll of him and onto my back next to him. "Totally worth it" Loki laughs from beside me and turns his head to face me.

"Definitely Darling" I turn my head to face Loki and raise an eyebrow.

"Darling huh?" I say with a sly smirk. Loki's face turns red, and he turns away quickly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to- if you don't like it, I can stop" Loki rambled on.

"Shut up loser it's fine, Darling has a nice ring to it. You should drink more often. It makes you more fun" Loki turns back to me with a relieved smile.

 I smile back at him and we gaze up at the stars. It felt like hours passed as we both just stared up above and pointed out the different constellations in the sky. It felt is peaceful, it felt nice. Just listening to Loki's voice made me feel calm. He passed me his flask filled with Asgardian ale and I take a sip. The liquid burned a little as I drank it but it was much nicer than anything in the club. As hours passed my eyes felt heavy, and I felt myself begin to doze off. I hadn't even realised how close we had moved together.

"And that one there darling is- oh" Loki looked down at my sleepy eyes with a weak smile. "Goodnight Lilith."

"Night Lokes" I felt myself fall asleep cuddled next to Loki's arms.

-Anthony Mackie-

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-Anthony Mackie-

I don't think I could have used any other picture for this chapter

- Lilly <3

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