Chapter three

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-Tony's point view-

"FRIDAY please summon the others to the lab please" I say tightening one last screw on my latest machine.

"Of course Sir" I wipe my hands clean with a rag when I heard a bang above my head.

"Shit! -" Clint fell through the top of the vent and onto the lab floor. I snicker as I watch him struggle to get back on his feet.

"Well done, Legolas" Clint rolls his eyes and flips me off as the rest of the team comes through the lab doors.

"What do you want Tony?" Nat asks clearly annoyed, god that woman is scary.

"Fury messaged me this morning, we have a new recruit. They should be arriving any second. Maybe Reindeer games can make a new friend, apparently they're just as insane as him"  Loki rolls his eyes and scoffs at me.

"Shut it Stark, you're insufferable."

"Do you know their name Mr. Stark?" Peter asked with an excited smile.

"Sir, Fury has arrived out the front with Agent Hill."

"Thanks FRIDAY, you can ask them yourself kid" I ruffle Peter's hair and we all walk down to the foyer of the tower. On the way down I catch glimpses of Loki complaining to Thor, what a drama queen.

-Third Person point of view-

The Avengers step out of the elevator and into the foyer where the director waited for them with Maria Hill at his side. Fury had a sour look on his face and seemed more pissed than usual.

"What's with the long face?" Pietro asked zooming circles around Fury. Fury stuck his leg out and Pietro fell over flat on his face causing Fury to crack a smile. Pietro let out a groan before getting up and walking back over to the group.

"So where are they?" Tony asked clapping his hands together.

"In the van, we thought we'd let you know a couple things before giving her over to you" Maria said tossing Cap a SHIELD file with the word 'classified' in big red letters on it. Cap opened the file and his eyes widened.

"You can't be serious Fury" Natasha peered over Steve's shoulder to look at the file. "Lilith Avenal? She's a murderer!"

"Rogers everyone here has killed someone, grow up" Maria deadpanned to the captain. "Well nearly everyone" she says smiling at Peter.

"You already gave us Loki why do we need to take this chick as well? We aren't a rehab centre for the mentally ill" Sam groaned making Loki shoot him a glare and flick his ear.

"Loki came here on Odin's orders so he could redeem himself so we didn't exactly have a choice. Lilith is only here to become an ally, she's extremely powerful and we need her on our side." Fury replied. Steve scanned further down the file.

"It says she killed 7 people, was emitted into a mental asylum and apparently can see dead people" Natasha said taking the file from Steve.

"Great" Tony said sarcastically. "So she's nuts." Fury rolled his eyes and mumbled something into his earpiece. The front doors of the tower burst open to reveal two SHIELD agents pushing in a pale woman with wild black hair, Lilith. Lilith eyed all of the Avengers and let out a muffled laugh.

As Lilith walked the chains on her feet clank and clashed together. Each one of them looked over her, if she wasn't so crazy, they may have found her attractive.

"I get the chains and hands cuffs but why the muzzle?" Wanda asked curiously.

"She wouldn't shut up" Fury said making a few snicker. He walked over to Lilith and took off the muzzle and she let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Ah sweet air oh how I missed you! Nicky! Nice to see you again, I see you're still rocking your goth pirate look" Lilith smiled at Fury innocently. "Who are all these people?"

"We're the Avengers ma'am" Cap said giving Lilith a warm smile.

"Ma'am? Oh you're definitely the man of time, nice to meet you Captain America" Pietro zoomed over to Lilith and kissed her hand. It was a little difficult considering she was still in handcuffs, but he made it work.

"Hello princess, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Pietro asked with a smirk. Lilith let out a cackle startling Pietro.

"D-did you just call me S-Satan?" Lilith wheezed still laughing like a maniac.

Well I- um, What I meant was-" Pietro stumbled over his words and couldn't form a proper sentence as Lilith kept laughing.

"Aw what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Lilith placed her finger under Pietro's chin tilting his head upwards.

"Lilith shut up" Fury ordered glaring at her. Lilith stuck her tongue out at him.

"I like her" Natasha said grinning. 

-Robert Downy Junior-

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-Robert Downy Junior-

She didn't change outfits so here's our saviour Robert Downy Junior

~ Lilly <3

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