Chapter fourteen

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-Third Person Point of View-

Last night Wanda and Vision had found Lilith and Loki passed out in the park while taking a romantic stroll. They called the others and brought them back to the tower to put them in their beds. Of course Pietro, Nat and Peter took pictures of them while they were passed out on the grass, but they weren't the only ones.

"Yes Fury" Tony grumbled annoyed, he hung up the phone and placed it on the bench.

"What did Fury want?" Clint asked while he finished making the team breakfast.

"A group of people who were at the park last night saw Loki and Lilith and posted pictures online. So now Fury is pissed because everyone is questioning who Lilith is, now we have to do a press conference and officially announce that she's an avenger" Tony said grumpy.

"And that's bad why....?" Bruce asked.

"It was already hard enough when we did a conference when Loki joined and I doubt Lilith's will be any better, plus Fury wanted to wait a couple months before the announcement. The council is already mad at him for the visits he and Maria made to her."

"Someone go get the two troublemakers" Steve said. Thor walked off to Lilith and Loki's room. He picked them both up and threw them over his broad shoulders. The whole way to the dining room Loki complained and tried to escape back to his room while Lilith still laid asleep on the god's shoulder.

Thor threw the two down onto the ground. Loki pulled out a dagger angrily and plunged it into Thor's side. Lilith only woke up when the god cried out in pain and smacked Loki on the head.

"My god I can't get any sleep around here can I!" Lilith yelled rubbing her eyes as pain surged through her head.

"You two get dressed and eat something, we have to go to a press conference" Steve said helping Lilith up while Thor put Mjolnir on Loki's chest and laughed at his brother's struggle.

"Why do I have to go! No one even knows who I am" Lilith grumbled, walking over to Bucky, and resting on his shoulder to get some more sleep.

"They do now Lil" Peter said holding up his phone. Every social media platform and news article was filled with pictures of a drunk Lilith and Loki messing around at the park.  Lilith's eyes widened at the post and groaned in annoyance.

"Ugh fine! Get up Odinson!"  She grumbled slipping away from Bucky and kicked Loki in the side.

"Ow! Witch!"


The team arrived at the press conference where news reporters and journalist stood. Cameras where already flashing and the crowd of people where chattering away waiting for the Avengers. The whole team was dressed in formal wear, the boys in suits and Wanda and Natasha in blouses and pencil skirts. Natasha had dressed Lilith in a black dress shirt, black slacks, and a green suit jacket. The team walked up onto the long stage and Stark walked up to the lectern and began speaking to the crowd.

"Recently Pictures have surfaced of Loki Odinson and Lilith Avenal..." Lilith couldn't focus on what Tony was saying. There were so many people and it felt overwhelming. At least at the club she was drunk and clue less, she couldn't do this sober or without a distraction.

Lilith began to fiddle with her hands and the hem of her shirt, scrunching it up in her fist and gripping it tightly. From the corner of his eyes Loki noticed the look of distress on her face. He lent next to her and whispered into her ear.

"Are you nervous because of the large crowd, darling?" Loki whispered. Lilith looked to him and nodded her head with a distressed face. "Well, you are going to have to answer questions. If you start to feel nervous, just fiddle with this" Loki pulled off a gold and emerald ring from his finger which he had paired with his all black suit. He grab Lilith's hand and slipped the ring onto her finger. Lilith gave him a thankful smile.

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Where stories live. Discover now