Chapter thirty nine

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-Lilith's Point of View-

"Lilith, may I ask you a something?" Frigga asked.

"Of course" I respond. Frigga leads me over to a stone bench by the basket of flowers and gestures for me to take a seat.

"How has Loki been on Midgard? He seems a lot happier than he was when he left here." Frigga began to sort through the flowers, bunching a few together to form beautiful bouquets.

"Well, when I first joined the Avengers and met Loki, he did seem a little moody and rude at first, did snap at me once" I laughed a little as I followed Frigga's directions. "But I did manage to get him to open up and we slowly became close friends. He started to talk more and has become friendlier to the others; he did also have soft spots for Peter and Wanda though which is sweet."

"I'm glad he's happy" Frigga set aside the bouquet with the other's you and she had made together.  "I'm glad he's happy with you dear. I can't express how joyful I am, he's found finally found someone he truly cares about. I haven't seen him happy since was a boy."

I feel my cheeks flush a bit from embarrassment. It was nice sitting with Frigga and just talking to her, she is so kind and open. I wish I had a mother like her, or a father, it would have made things so much more... simpler.

"Lilith, I want to give you my blessing, I trust you and I see how much you care for Loki. He's become so much happier and I see the sparkle in his eyes when you two spend time together."

"Wow, thank you Frigga and I really do love Loki. You're too kind." 

"That she is" I heard a voice from behind me. "Hello again Lilith, I love what you're wearing, who made it for you?" Ace teased as he walked towards Frigga and I along side Loki.

"Hello Ace" I give him a small wave and giggle at his comment. When he and Loki came close, I could see a large roll of shimmering gold ribbon hoping behind them trying to catch up.

"I've brought the ribbon you requested for the flowers; wow they look amazing" he said admiring the bright flowers. "Look who I ran into, I'm assuming the prince wants to steal you from us, so I won't try to keep you hun" Ace pushed back his blonde locks.

"It's like you can read minds Lightwood" Loki said walking over to me and snaking his arm around my waist.

"If only, that would be pretty fun. Although I rather not listen to Marshall insult me in his mind as well as verbally. He can be so petty sometimes" Ace sighed. "Doesn't like it when I correct him."

"We can hear you two arguing from the highest tower in Asgard" Loki rolled his eyes. "Mother do you mind if I still Lilith for a while?"

"Of course not dear, you two go have fun" Frigga let us go as she and Ace continued to make the bouquets and wrap them in gold ribbon.

Loki took my hand and led me off to a more secluded area hidden behind large towering trees and across a flowing stream. In the small space a picnic blanket was spread out with a platter of fruits, pastries and baked goods were laid out.

"Ah very romantic your highness" I say taking a seat on the blanket next to Loki. 

"I know" Loki held a strawberry up to my mouth which I took a bite from. "Thought I'd save you from my mother and her pestering questions" Loki lied down resting his head in my lap. I slap his shoulder lightly and furrow my eyebrows.

"Your mother is lovely, and she actually gave me her blessing earlier" I state, feeding Loki a cookie.

"That's excellent darling" Loki peered up at me. His emerald eyes danced over me, and his lips curved into a smile. I brush my fingers through his hair and begin to plait a small section.

"Loki, are you sure you want to court me?" Loki furrowed his eyes brows and looked up at me.


"Are you sure you want to court me? I know I'm not royalty and I'm barely even a hero, I just don't want you to be with me and make a mistake..." Loki sits up to face me and holds the sides of my face gently with his hands, looking at me with a serious expression.

"Lilith, listen to me. I love you and I asked you to court me because I want you to be mine and I to be yours. Not a thought in my mind has ever made me doubt the love I have for you and what we have is far from a mistake." Loki laid a kiss on my lips. "Your social status and what you've done in your past mean nothing to me because I know who you are."

"Who am I then?" I ask with a smile.

"The women who I love with every bit of my heart" Loki said simply.

"I love you so much Loki, please stay with me like this forever" I looked at the man's face. I adored him, he was perfect and said all the right things. I wish I could feel this way forever. 

"I promise."

"You'll never leave me?"

"Never" I lean forwards and kissed Loki's soft lips.

He pulled away and pushed strands of hair behind my ear. In his hand appeared a beautiful white flower. It sat in the palm of his hand and on the edge of the petals the white faded to his signature green. Loki placed it behind my ear.

"Haven't you already used this move?" I ask laughing.

"Maybe." Loki and I fall to the ground in laughter, his arms wrapped around him as we lay on the picnic blanket.

" Loki and I fall to the ground in laughter, his arms wrapped around him as we lay on the picnic blanket

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-RDJ, Mark Ruffalo & C hemmy-

Sometimes this fandom scares me .-.

~ Lilly <3

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Where stories live. Discover now