Chapter forty five

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-Third Peron's Point of View-

"Out of my two sons of course it is you Loki, to fall in love with a monster!" Odin spat at his son. By now Lilith had been thrown into a cell, the others were gone, and Odin was growing tired of Loki's determination. Only the royals were left in the room to continue the endless battle.

"How dare you! I am not and never was your son and Lilith is no monster of any kind! You are! I love her and you will not take her from me purely because you cannot comprehend the possibility that not everyone wants power!"

"You have always wanted power Loki! What's to say she is not a pawn that you have manipulated?"

"I am not that man anymore! I have changed and served my time on Midgard to right my wrongs and help the helpless. I have become an avenger and saved lives not because I had to but because I wanted to be better, and Lilith was one of the main people who helped me to do that" Loki's voice cracked a little as he ranted. He was determined to get Lilith back and would defend her honour and name till Asgard was burnt to the ground.

"You can't take Lilith, father! She is of Earth and not ours to take prisoner!" Thor chimed in.

"Odin listens to your sons, to me! Lilith is kind and giving and I gave her my blessing. She has a right to stand trial and not be thrown away like a piece of garbage" Frigga pleaded.

"Leave the matter now or join her in the dungeons" Odin threatened his sons, his words laced in venom, disregarding Frigga. Loki was holding back tears and backed away from the throne with a hurt expression. Thor held out a hand to comfort him, but Loki flinched away. "I cannot not trust you, Loki. Not after what you've done..."

"Trust my rage" Loki sneered. He left the throne room with a final glare to Odin. Thor soon following after his brother and Frigga disappeared into thin air back to her study.


-Lilith's Point of View-

It had been hours since I was thrown in here like a sack of potatoes. I'm pretty sure it had gotten dark outside but how would I know? There wasn't one damn window in this place, the only light source would be the faint glow off the glass orange wall in each of the cells.

Guards slowly started to filter out of the dungeon, only one or two stationed at each of the entrances but even they weren't fully awake. It must be pretty late at night... most of the other prisoners had started to dose off as well. I lay on my back on the cold white floor, staring up at the ceiling mindlessly.

"Lilith" a deep voice says in a hushed voice.

"Thor?" I sit up quickly and rush to the glass. "What are you doing here? I thought you were forbidden to see me!"

"We are but I snuck down here alone, father is fast asleep, and the guards know better than to tell anyone I'm here" Thor had a small smile on his face. His voice was a bit hoarse from arguing and yelling but it didn't affect his mood. "I brought you books, specifically a series Loki insisted upon called 'Harry Potter' and a cushion you can at least rest your head on. They're small enough that father won't take them away if he does find out about them but I'm afraid that is all I can offer..." Thor slipped the items through a hatch in the wall which I collected from him.

I put my hand on the glass and Thor does the same. A hopeful but sad smile on my face where tear stains still lied.

"Thor this is more than enough, I gather I will be here for some time...?"

"I'm afraid so Lilith, we're trying our best. Ever since you were taken from the throne room, we haven't stopped begging for your freedom, I'm so truly sorry that your first stay in Asgard has ended with this."

"Thor this isn't your fault, I shouldn't have shared my stupid powers. I shouldn't have shared my burden with your friends or have let my emotions take over, it's my fault" I breath out as tears threaten to spill again. I hold them back not wanting to show anymore weakness then I already had. Crying wasn't going to solve anything; it would only stress out the others.

"Lilith this is in no way your fault! My father is just to closed minded and paranoid to see your innocence, what happened to that guard was tragic but self-defence at its core. You are not to blame, and I promise you will be free soon. We will go home" Thor promised me with a firm voice.

"I believe you Thor, I trust you" I say.

"I must go Lilith before the other's grow suspicious of my absence."

"You didn't at least tell them you came to see me?"

"I couldn't risk seeing the hurt on my brother's face knowing I came to see you personally, he thought I would only send down these small items. As for the others, I fear Stark would come marching down here to break you out. That is if the other Avengers don't get to you first. Natasha and Wanda have been worried sick along with the young Peter and I fear Barnes is sharpening his knives..." I look at Thor miserable. I hadn't even thought about how the other's felt. "I must go now, goodbye Lilith we will save you."

"I don't doubt it, goodbye Thor, tell Loki I love him and the other's I'll be back soon" Thor nods his head before disappearing down the stretching dungeon hallway. 

I slump against the white wall of the dungeon, hugging the plush pillow. I couldn't sleep now. My mind racing with the thoughts and worries about the team. Poor Peter probably worried not knowing what to do, Bruce's stress growing, Tony's anxiety and Wanda probably going out of her mind.

I can't be in this... this cage. It felt like the walls are caving in and the room's getting smaller. The thoughts in my mind weren't the only things stopping me from going to sleep, it was more of what flashbacks I would see in my dreams.

 The thoughts in my mind weren't the only things stopping me from going to sleep, it was more of what flashbacks I would see in my dreams

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-Lilith Avenal-

AaAaaAaHhHH I have completed my magic trio 😆
Loki, Wanda and Dr Strange pop vinyls~ it's blossom, bubbles and buttercup 💕

Just because I wanted to I also got Agatha and Zemo.

My list is almost complete ✨✨✨✨

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My list is almost complete ✨✨✨✨

~ Lilly <3

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Where stories live. Discover now