Chapter fifty

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-Lilith's Point of View-

"Somebody get help!" Loki yelled out as he crumpled to the ground. "My mother she's dying! Help her!" 

(Get help reference but make it ~Sad~) 

I shove guards out of the way to see Loki cradling Frigga on the ground, an arrow lodged in her torso as her dress began to stain crimson. Loki shook and yelled for help. I turn to the guards sharply.

"Free me from my chains now!"

"What? -"

"Now! I can save her let me go!" Marshall pushed the fumbling guards out of the way and used his sword to break the chains on my wrist and ankles apart.

The Avengers gathered around Frigga try to stop the bleeding as much as possible. Odin was ordering for nurses and healers, but they wouldn't get here in time. Thor was with Loki holding their mother's hand as she coughed and sputtered.

"Mother you will be okay" Thor promised holding her hand tightly as Loki tried to heal her, but his magic wasn't enough. I run to Frigga's side pushing Thor gently to the side.

"I-I can save you just don't close your eyes Frigga" I stutter panicked. "Loki remove the arrow" Loki nodded his head and slowly removed the arrow from Frigga's torso trying to not hurt her as much as he could.

Frigga inhaled sharply as the arrow was removed from her body and the bleeding became faster. I rip off parts of my dress and give it to Thor. He holds pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Holding my hands over her wound I try to think of the happiest memories possible.

Trying to forget the last couple of weeks and just focus on what made me the happiest. I was able to breathe life back into the flower I could do it with Frigga, I had to. I need to. She has been so kind to all of us since our arrival and hadn't stopped fighting to set me free. I had to do this.

I felt Wanda place her hand on my shoulder and whisper into my ear.

"Remember what we practiced, Lilith. Breathe. I believe in you, we all do, you can do this" I look up at Wanda with teary eyes and nod my head.

I close my eyes tight and breathe in and out slowly. Thinking of the best memories possible, trying to get that wave of emotion. Images flash in my mind from the moment I met Maria and Fury in the asylum like a movie of my life.

(Skip this if you want, it's basically the highlights from the book in my opinion <3)

"We're the Avengers ma'am" Cap said giving Lilith a warm smile.

"Ma'am? Oh you're definitely the man of time, nice to meet you Captain America" Pietro zoomed over to Lilith and kissed her hand. It was a little difficult considering she was still in handcuffs, but he made it work.

"Hello princess, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Pietro asked with a smirk. Lilith let out a cackle startling Pietro.

"D-did you just call me S-Satan?" Lilith wheezed still laughing like a maniac.

Well I- um, What I meant was-" Pietro stumbled over his words and couldn't form a proper sentence as Lilith kept laughing.

"Aw what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Lilith placed her finger under Pietro's chin tilting his head upwards.


"That was very impressive, very impressive..." Loki said awkwardly rocking on his heals and clearing his throat. "Your powers are very-"

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Where stories live. Discover now