Chapter nine

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-Third Person Point of View-

"Oh come on Parker, don't be shy!" Lilith said chasing the young boy around the Avenger's Tower.

"Lilith get that thing away from me!" Peter shouted jumping over the Kitchen counter island. Lilith jumped over the counter running after Peter. The two ran into the dining room where the team was eating pancakes which Clint had made for breakfast.

"Come here Peter! ~" Peter slid across the floor behind Thor who stood with a pop tart in his hand. Lilith stopped right in front of Thor and tried to peer around him to see Peter.

"What the hell is going on?" Sam asked. Lilith rolled her and revealed the little creature which sat in her hands. "Why do you have a spider?"

"We found him in the garden and Peter is terrified of him, I on the other hand think he's adorable" Lilith stroked the spider with her finger, it crawled along her hand making Peter shriek.

"The spiderling is afraid of... spiders?" Loki deadpanned.

"Ironic isn't" Wanda said eating her pancakes. Peter glared at the team making Lilith cackle as she set the spider on her shoulder.

"We should burn it and all of it's kind" Peter said glaring at the spider which sat comfortably in Lilith's palm.

"Lilith, I have good news for you" Cap said placing down his coffee. He slid a file across the table to Lilith, it was a SHIELD file. Lilith gasped in delight and opened it. "It's-"

"My first mission! What is it?" Lilith said tossing the spider aside and flicking through the file excitedly. "Oh... an interrogation.... cool" Lilith's excitement faded in an instant. She hoped for a Hydra base takedown, or a secret undercover mission, not some crappy interrogation. Behind her Peter flailed about as the spider crawled along his arms making him making him screech.

"Cheer up, they'll get better I promise" Nat said reassuringly, Lilith rolled her eyes at the assassin.

"Says the gorgeous assassin bad ass to the crazy chick who's on so much medication that she sees stars" Lilith said sarcastically making Pietro snicker. "Shush Pietro I'm still mad at you and Bucky!"

"Oh come on! It was funny! I'll but you ice-cream to makeup for it" Pietro smirked as Bucky nodded sliding some cash across the table.

"Fine" Lilith narrowed her eyes at the boys and stuffed the cash into her pocket. 

"If it makes you any better your furniture arrived today" Tony added. She smiled and shut the SHIELD file flinging it back to Steve, her mood slightly raising.

"Would you boys mind setting it up for me while I complete my mission" Lilith gave the boys an innocent pout instantly melting their hearts.

"Of course kid, you better get ready, Maria is picking you up in twenty minutes. SHIELD left you some clothes to wear in your room" Tony ruffled Lilith's hair as he walked out with Bruce to the lab.

Lilith rushed off to her room to get ready bouncing in anticipation. 


Lilith and Agent hill arrived at headquarters and waiting for them was Director Nick Fury looking angrier than usual. Lilith couldn't help but fiddle with the clothes they had given her. It was black pants, a black jacket and a plain white T-shirt. It was incredibly boring, she couldn't even wear jewellery!

"Agent Hill, Agent Avenal" Fury said nodding to each girl.

"Oh I'm an agent now? Thanks Nicky" Lilith patted Fury's shoulder as she walked past him into the building. Inside were rows and rows of agents typing away at computers and talking into earpieces at 100 miles a minute. Agents walked in and out of doorways and glass elevators.

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