Chapter thirty

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-Third Peron Point of View-

After dinner everyone descended to the bedrooms to get some sleep for the next morning. Loki walked with Lilith, Peter, Wanda, Vision and Clint to show them their rooms since they were all near his. One by one he dropped off each person until Lilith was the last. They walked down the dimly lit corridors and Lilith couldn't help but gawk at the beautiful architecture. It was strange being some where so... sophisticated and fancy, she felt almost out of place.

"So this is where you grew up, fancy" Lilith said twirling around as they walked.

"It's nothing really" Loki replied cringing internally at his response. 'It's nothing really' is what he had always said when someone commented on his life in the castle. What was he meant to say? He felt far too uncomfortable and awkward boasting about his luxurious life and didn't want to come off as a dick. But God did it sound snobby.

"Says the handsome prince who grew up in a castle with servants, horses, stables and riches" Lilith listed counting on her fingers catching the prince off guard. She spun around so she was walking straight by Loki's side again, only just catching his sly smirk and raised brow.

"I'm handsome now? How did this happen and how can I make it irreversible?" Loki teased. Lilith's face heated up and pinked dusted the apples of her cheeks.

"Oh shush, you know what I mean" Lilith nudged Loki with her shoulder playfully shrugging off his comment. Loki chuckled and nudged her back accidentally causing their hands to brush past by each other.

"Yes, I do, you think I'm the handsomest man you've met" the man boasted flicking his hair dramatically over his shoulder. Lilith scoffed and rolled her eyes but decided to play along with the prince's game.

"Oh yes of course! I just adore you and your greasy hair~" Lilith enthused sarcastically to Loki who had a pout on his face.


"I'm only teasing" Lilith smiled to the god in a way that made his heart melt. Her smile could light up a room and he felt his heart flutter. She was something else, something he didn't know but something he wouldn't trade for a throne or the world. It was strange feeling like this, no one else could make him feel like this. The two stopped walking once they reached the bedroom door of Lilith's room.

"Your room my lady" Loki said bowing grinning up at the woman.

"Thank you, your highness," Lilith replied attempting a curtsy only to fail and stumble. She let out an intoxicating laugh and regained her balance.

"Very good" Loki mocked helping Lilith stand up straight by grabbing her hands. "Goodnight darling"

"Goodnight Lokes" Lilith says letting go of Loki's icy hands.

They stood there for a second wondering what to do next. She could leave but she didn't want to leave on a bland note like that. In fact she didn't want to leave at all, however she doubted Loki would want to spend time with her given how late it was. 'Should I? Maybe not- I could though, would he let me? Fuck it, it's not a big deal just a sign of affection' Lilith thought.

In the spare of the moment she leant forwards towards the god. Going on her toes the tiniest bit to reach Loki's cheek where she placed a soft kiss. Lilith kissed Loki on the cheek and pulled back quickly making the moment only last a second. She gave one last smile before closing the door leaving Loki out in the hallway shocked.

Loki stood in front of the door a fumbling mess; he was in utter shock but not in a bad way... in a good way maybe? Loki's hand subconsciously raised to touch the place on his cheek where he had been kissed and his face became as red as a tomato. He blinked slowly not knowing what to do. His stomach did somersaults and fireworks went off in his chest.

'Get it together Loki! She just kissed your cheek that's all. I need sleep, it's been a long day' Loki thought to himself. He cleared his throat and turned on his heal to venture off to his bedroom. He tried to sleep but all he did was lay on his back on top of the soft silk sheets of his king sized bed thinking of one thing and one thing only... Lilith.

-Chris Hemsworth-

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-Chris Hemsworth-

Sweet little chapter 💕

~ Lilly <3

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