Chapter thirty four

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-Lilith's Point of View-

For an hour or two we trained with the warriors and Sif. Sif taught me a little but about swords and Clint tried to teach me archery. Key word being, tried, I ended up nearly shooting Peter in the shoulder and Wanda in the leg. Thor had the idea to take us all horse back riding around the kingdom's forests and plains. We said goodbye to the warriors and Sif and walked out to the stabled where fourteen horses were waiting each already saddled.

"Everyone grab a horse" Thor said. It took a while to get saddled seeing as only a few of us actually knew how to ride, I sadly was not one of them. Vision helped me onto the tall chocolate brown horse by floating me up on to it.

"Let's go!" Pietro said dashing off with his horse. Everyone else followed and we rode out of the stables and into the magical forests at the edge of the castle paddocks. I rode my horse through the forests beneath the trees which had leaves of all colours. I caught sight of Steve and Bucky in the distance and followed them to an opening where everyone had stopped.

"Let's make this interesting" Tony started, "Let's race, winner gets bragging rights and a month free of dish washing duty at the tower".

"I'm definitely in! Prepare to lose nerds" Natasha said competitively.

"Calm down Nat you don't stand a chance" Clint quips back.

"There's a giant lake North of here by a flower field on a hill side, first one there wins" Thor says readying his horse. "Ready, set-"

"Go!" I yell charging forwards.

"Lilith!" I hear someone shout behind me but I'm already too far ahead to see who it was. I laugh as I ride through the forest, weaving in and out of trees. I could hear the galloping horses that the others rode behind me but they were too far away to catch up now. From the corner of my eye I could see an opening in the forest which looked like it led around to a short cut.

I veer off the main path and down the opening through a small cluster of trees. More branches hung low and wild plants were everywhere. I ducked my head careful not to get knocked down by a branch and  held onto the reins of my horse tight as it galloped quickly. We eventually got out of the trees and ahead I could see a massive flower field on a hill side.

"Is that where Thor said the finish line was?" I mutter to myself quietly.

It must be right? What was the last thing he said? I should pay more attention when the others are talking about something important... I lead my horse to the flower field. I tug on the reins stopping my horse at the top of the small hill and climb off onto the lush grass. No one else was here yet. 

"Yes I won! Suck it Nat!" I yell pumping my fist in the air. 

-Tony's Point of View-

"Holy shit we lost Lilith" I say panicked to the group. We had been standing near the lake for ten minutes and Lilith hadn't arrived. Peter was doing a victory dance in the corner as the others scowled at him. "Peter stop gloating about winning! One of my children is missing!"

"One of them? -"

"Harley, Lilith and Peter are his children apparently" Clint whispered to Vision who nodded his head. "I mean technically you're his kid as well but anyway..."

"Ugh I'll go look for her, she probably wasn't listening and went somewhere completely different" Loki said rolling his eyes and getting back on his black stallion.

"Bring her back in one piece or else I'll use the oil from your greasy hair to deep fry your books!" I shout after him as he rides away on his horse.

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Where stories live. Discover now