Chapter nineteen

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-Lilith's Point of View-

"Alright everyone! Now that the rotations are over, I'm guessing you're all pretty hungry" Tony said to the students who had all come back into the gym. All the other Avengers looked exhausted, and I still felt wet from Loki's prank. Thor was the only energetic one in the group, mostly because he's well... Thor. All the kids murmured in agreement. "Well because I'm just the greatest man you'll ever meet, I have ordered enough Shawarma for everyone here! Dig in kids!"

Food delivery guys came through the gym doors carrying piles of food and they set it on tables that had been set up earlier. The kids rushed over to the food nearly trampling each other over.

"Fun fact! This is what we ate after we kicked reindeer game's ass!"

"Language!" Steve yelled to Tony. Everyone had settled down after a while and they sat on the gym flaw with plates of food talking in little groups. "So how were everyone's groups?" Steve asked.

"Well Nat was scarier than usual teaching the kid's ballet, Pietro just ran circles around the kids all day and one of the kids shot Thor in the foot with an arrow while he was teaching this girl how to use a sword" Clint deadpanned. Sam snickered causing Pietro to flick his nose and Natasha to punch his arm.

"Vision and I taught the kids to speak all kinds of languages. Sokovian, French, Icelandic, Russian and Japanese" Wanda smiled with glee. In the distance we heard kids cursing each other out in different languages making Steve frown at Vision.

"What is it Captain? I was informed they needed to learn how 'to curse a bitch out'" Tony face palmed and shook his head. "You need to stop hanging around Maximoff and Parker."

"Anyway... did anyone have trouble? Lilith why are you wet?" I looked to Loki and frowned at him.

"The greasy snake poured water on me while I was talking to the class and refused to use magic to dry me" I punch Loki in the arm playfully making him chuckle. "I'm going to go find Peter, anyone want to come?"

"I'll come it'll be faster" Pietro said. He picked me up bridal style and zoomed off, I let out a shriek as we zoomed through the crowd.

"Pietro!" Pietro came to a sudden halt and dropped me into Peter's lap before zooming off again. "Sup Parker!" I ruffle his hair and stand up.

"Hey Lilith! Oh- these are my friends Ned and MJ" Peter said. When he said MJ's name, I could see the hearts in his eyes. I smirk at him and shook each of their hands.

"Nice to meet you guys- hey!" my eyes shift to Bucky and Sam who were chasing Nat with a gun. I face palm and look back to the kids, "I'll be back, give me a sec- NAT PUT AWAY THE TASER!" I run after the three of them and tackle Bucky stopping him from stabbing someone. "What are you three doing???"

"Nat encouraged the kids to write fanfic about us!" Sam said pointing his finger to the grinning assassin. I tried to hold back my laughter, "while that is hilarious don't forget we're in a bloody school. So put the weapons down boys, you can battle it out when we get home" I pat their heads before walking back over to Peter, MJ and Ned.

"Sup Penis Parker, I see your still hanging out with these losers" a boy said shoving Peter. I stop in my tracks and glare at him. "Aw are you going to cry?" I feel my eye twitch as I see the boy make fun of Peter and shove him.

"Hey!" I yell. The four look my way and I see the colour from the stranger's face drain as I get closer I soon realise who it is, Flash. I walk towards him and grab him by the collar. "Oh it's you again..." I yank at his collar and pull his face close to mine and glare at him.

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Where stories live. Discover now