Chapter twenty nine

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-Lilith's Point of View-

Loki held his hand over my eyes and guided me through the halls by my hand, careful not to let me trip over the long dress I wore.

"Are we there yet Lokes? We've been walking for what feels like ages and I have nearly tripped over this dress four time" I ask desperately. Loki let out a small laugh and squeezed my hand slightly. I could feel the blush on my cheeks from the contact.

"We're almost there, stop complaining" we rounded a corner and suddenly came to a halt. I could hear Loki open a door and lead me into the room. "Okay, open your eyes in three... two... one."

Loki removed his hand to reveal a gigantic library that glittered with gold and smelled of firewood, lavender, and old books. I gazed at the towering shelves that were covered from top to bottom with books in awe. They stretched so high that the library contained multiple stories with a place to read on each balcony. I stare in amazement at the view not be able to find the words to describe it, the only word coming to my mind being beautiful.

"This is the royal library; it has Asgardian literature of all sorts and I even managed to convince mother to put in some Midgardian literature for when you and the others came to stay" Loki rambled. "Though I figured only you would actually use it."

"Loki this is amazing!" I exclaimed with a broad smile.

"There's one more surprise..." Loki held his hand out and in it appeared the first three books in the Harry Potter series. "I took your advice and finally started to read the series; I must admit they are quite good."

I could feel myself bubbling with excitement at his confession. It was the first time I actually had someone to bond over something that engaged me. A million things raced through my head and they all spilled out of my mouth at once.

"I told you so! Oh now I can talk to someone about it! Loki who's your favourite character so far? What do you think of Dumbledore? What are your thoughts on the golden trio? Loki tell me everything!" I fired rapid questions at the god. Loki let out a chuckle and led me to a plump, soft couch by the fire.

"We can talk about it for as long as you want darling just try not to explode from all that excitement."

I don't know how long we were there for, but it must have been hours. By the time we had finally finished talking and bonding over the books the sun had gone down and the sky looked like the dress I wore. We could have stayed there forever if one of the maids hadn't told us dinner was ready.

"Dinner is served my prince and madam, your presence is requested by the Allfather" the servant said politely bowing her head.


"There you are! I thought you two would never leave the library" Frigga sighed. She kissed Loki's cheek and then took her seat by Odin at the end of the table.

Everyone sat at the long dining table that was full of gourmet food which I hadn't even seen before. There were things like fruits, vegetables, fish, lamb, chicken, and beef but there were strange foods that looked nothing like the food they had on earth.

Odin nodded his head and everyone began to eat. Surprisingly everyone kept their manners and were very polite. Loki smiled approvingly at his students, and everyone seemed happy and talked.

"Thor loves talking about you all when he comes to visit as well as the Midgardian devices you all use. Especially something called an email, insists on getting the device here in Asgard! Thor has also said you two are very intelligent" Frigga questions Stark and Bruce.

"Yes, your majesty, Banner and I are the tech savvy ones among the group. I mostly use Nano tech and design suits for combat as well as gear for the teams, I even discovered a new element and created an environmentally clean power generator" Tony gloated. Frigga nodded intrigued and moved onto Natasha.

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Where stories live. Discover now