Chapter four

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-Third Person point of view-

Director Fury and Agent Hill left Avenger's tower, leaving Lilith Avenal with the Avengers. Everyone returned to what they were doing prior except for Natasha who had offered to show Lilith around.

"This is where you'll be staying" Natasha said. She opened a door to reveal a plain white bedroom. "You can decorate however you want, there's a bathroom through that door and down there is your wardrobe." Natasha closed the door. "Wanda, Vision and I are down the hall and Thor, and Loki are up this end with you, oh and if you need something just ask FRIDAY." Natasha said gesturing to the two doors across from Lilith's.

"Wow! I have never had a proper room before, thank you so much" Lilith smiled and skipped down the hallway beside Natasha. Natasha gave Lilith a worried look and concerned look.

"What do you mean?"

"Where I grew, I didn't have a proper bedroom, more like a cell if anything but it's fine. That's behind me now" Natasha gave Lilith a sorrowful look.

"I thought they gave you a pretty decent room at the Asylum".

"I wasn't talking about the Asylum" Lilith responded still smiling. Natasha tried to question her further but Lilith started to descend down the halls again. Natasha had spent only an hour or two with Lilith and she seemed so bubbly and sweet, she couldn't see anything dangerous about her. What Lilith said broke Natasha's heart and she couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor girl.

"Natasha" Lilith said.

"Call me Nat" a small smile spread across Lilith's face.

"Okay then, Nat. Is there a library in the tower? I tried asking some of my friends but surprisingly enough there's no ghosts in the tower at the moment" Lilith and Natasha got into the elevator to ascend to the living room.

"Uh yeah I think, ask Loki he should know" Natasha tried to ignore Lilith's comment about the ghost. Even if she seemed all adorable and nice it was going to take some time getting used to the whole 'communing with the dead thing,' well that's if she really could and wasn't lying. The elevator doors opened and sprawled across the couches were the Avengers.

Bucky, Sam, Pietro, and Peter were playing Mario Kart on the tv, and it seemed to be getting intense very fast.



Natasha rolled her eyes at the boys and walked over to the bar where Tony, Bruce and Thor were sitting. Of course Tony and Thor were drinking already and chatting about nonsense while Bruce stopped them from doing something stupid. Lilith looked around the room to try and find the God Natasha had told her about. She hadn't learnt names yet and was trying to figure out who everyone was just by guessing.

In the corner of the room on a leather armchair was a lean man with long black hair. He had his legs hanging over the side of the armchair and his emerald eyes scanned the book in front of him. The book glowed green as he turned the page without even touching it. Lilith was memorised. Lilith snaps out of his trance and shakes her head. She skips over to the god and crouches down beside the armchair so she's looking up at him.

"Hi, Loki, right? I'm Lilith" Lilith smiled to Loki and held out her hand. Loki didn't look up from his book and kept on reading.

"What is it mortal?" Lilith's smile faded and was replaced with a small frown. She retracted her hand slowly.

"What are you reading there? Where's the tower library? And do you have any recommendations?" Loki snapped his book shut and set it down on his lap. He looked down at Lilith with an annoyed face.

"If I answer your questions, will you leave me to read in peace?" Loki asked leaning down towards Lilith. As he lent forward Lilith caught the smell of parchment, book and mint and it filled her senses. 


"I'm reading 'The Great Gatsby', the library is on the 90th floor and I recommend 'Little Women' by Louisa May Alcott. Now begone" Loki opened his book again and soon his eyes were scanning the pages. Lilith smiled and got back to her feet.

"Thanks Loki" Lilith patted Loki's head, her hand touching his slicked back yet soft hair, before skipping off to the elevator. Loki's eyes widen at the contact. His head snapped up in confusion as he watched Lilith leave for the library.

"Are you okay brother?" Thor asked after watching the interactions with the rest of the Avengers. "She didn't do some strange witchcraft on you did she?" 

"Of course not, beside I doubt it would even work. Now let me read you oaf".

 Now let me read you oaf"

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-Tom Hiddleston-

Another meme ✨✨
~ Lilly <3

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