Chapter 7

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Lexi's POV

We skimmed the racks, looking through the cute clothes. My hands felt the fabric as I walked by.

"Lexi, Zayn and I looked up this Marcus guy, and he just doesn't seem like your type..." Louis said behind me. I raised my eyebrows and continued to look at the outfits.

"Since when do you know my type? I don't recal dating anyone in the time frame that I knew you two." I replied.

"Well we always though of you to go with a more....flirtatious guy. Like your chesnut hair would go perfectly with a dark brown. And oh my, your blue eyes would match with a nice set of green ones!" Zayn gushed beside me. I stifled a laugh and spun around.

"Describing Harry, are you? Well I don't have a type, honestly. Anyway, Haz and I are just friends. If that's what you'd still consider us. I'm still mad at him..." I walked down the aisle with the boys close behind.

"You two are still friends, Lex. But back on topic, Marcus seems too old for you. You would want a guy with an actual career and money." Louis reasoned behind me.

"Marcus does have money. He's like my cousin's age, maybe a bit older. My cousin is 19. I'm 18. Marcus has a career. He makes money for making vlogs, you know that's possible right? He has a flat, and anyway, we aren't even dating. Just going on a date." I looked at the two in disbelief.

"Y-yea you're right. Isn't she, Lou?" Zayn nudged Louis.

"Yep." He faked. I rolled my eyes and continued my search.


I carefully applied my makeup on, making sure I didn't smudge my still wet mascara. There was a knock at my door.

"Shit!" I cussed as I did exactly what I didn't want to do. I took a Q-Tip and wiped off the smudge, then ran to the door, not really checking to see who it was. Once I opened the door, my eyes locked with a pair of green once. I groaned under my breath.

"What do you want Styles?" I practically growled. Harry pushed his curls to the side.

"I just-Can I talk to you for a second?" He looked down at me, saddness washing over his face.

"Then talk" I said emotionless.

"Inside, please?" He half begged. I raked my hands through my hair.

"Sure. Come in" I stepped to the side, and carefully watched the lad step in.

"You look pretty by the way," Harry mumbled, a half smile forming.

"Thanks. But seriously, why are you here?" I asked. The tension was quite obvious not.

"I-Don't get mad when I say this, but..... I don't think you should go on this date." I squinted my eyes at him, confused.

"And why shouldn't I?" My hand found my hip, looking at him with not really anger, but annoyance.

" just shouldn't. Trust me on this, Lex. Just please?" He pleaded. 

"I would need a good reason for me not to go, Harry. I really like Marcus. It would hurt him if I broke this off last minute.." 

"I-" The boy began, but instead of answering, he pulled out his phone, scrolling. He handed me the electronic. 

On it were the two of us. But what caught me off guard was that, we were kissing. Another thing that surprised me was, we both looked happy.

"I didn't tell you this because I didn't want to overwhelm you, but you and I...Lex, we dated that last 3 months." I stood there frozen. Unsure what to say. I handed him back the phone.

"No. That's not possible. It's just a picture. We could've been drunk, playing truth or dare...One of the boys took the pic. If we were dating, it would be everywhere. I would've remembered, Harry. I would have more hate than I already get!" I turned around, heading for my suitcase. I pulled on my shoes, Harry watching me.

"You and I wanted to keep it a secret. Ask the boys. They know...'' He said softly.

"You and I are best friends. We swore to secrecy that we would never fall in love. You know that." I stood up. 

"I do remember. I remember as though it was yesterday, Lexi. But we broke that promise. You have to believe me..." He begged, taking me by the arms.

"I-I can't Harry. I don't see you in that way. I just don't. You're like my brother. I can't." I felt sorry for the boy. It must suck being in his position. Harry's grip loosened as he let go.

"Fine. You know what, I'm sorry I took up your time for you to get ready. And I'm sorry for not visiting you. I just knew this would happen. Good luck with marcus, by the way. I'm sure he's a great guy" Harry faked a smile and quickly walked out, leaving me speechless. 

I sat down on the bed. Not reallyin the mood for leaving any more. I picked up my phone and pulled up Marcus's contact.

'I'm sorry for doing this, but I actually can't go on that dinner we said we were gonna go to. I hope I can make it up to you one day, but this is actually too fast. I'm just stressed from everything that's happened to me this week. I'm so so sorry :(' 

I hit send. Why was life so complicated. I took off the recently bought dress and jumped in the shower. My perfect hair was now wet and ruined. After the warm shower, I put on an oversized V-neck, and a pair of soffe shorts. My hair was put up in a bun and  crawled into bed, wanting to sleep early.

'That's alright. I hope you feel better soon. If you ever need to talk, I'm here :)'  Marcus replied. He's such a gentleman. I thanked him and put my phone aside. 

"Fuck my life" I muttered to myself, before drifting off to sleep.


"Are you cold?" The curly haired boy asked, pulling me under his arm. I giggled and pushed him away. 

"No. Just my fingers though. Other than that, this coat is nice and warm..." I smiled, shoving my hands into my jacket pockets. I looked around us, people walked by, doing what they had to. They entered shops, jumped into their cars, walked across the street. It was a normal day, just colder than usual. 

"Well gimme your hands. I'll warm them up" Harry smirked. 

I gave him my hands and watched as he pulled them up to his face, warm air blowing from his mouth. He cupped them in his own. I instantly felt the relief. 

"Better?" Harry whispered.

"Better" I told him before pulling him into a deep hug. 

"Good" He bent down, lightly pecking his lips against mine.


I woke up, gasping. The room was dark, except for the light coming from the alarm clock next to me. I turned on the bedside lamp. That dream felt more vivid than ever. It was as though it was rather a memory. But that's not possible. My mind is playing tricks on me. Unless, Harry is telling the truth....I refuse to believe it though. He's my best friend. Only my best friend. Nothing more. Or is he?

A/N: Hey guys. Sorry it took longer than usual. So like I had to go to the hospital the other day and I didn't have time to update. Sorry! Ugh this kills. I might make a Niall fanfic later. Comment your thoughts below please! Other than that, vote and fan :) Xx Caitlyn

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