Chapter 33

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Lexi's POV

I turned the corner. Rain fell down, forming puddles beneath me. I cursed myself for thinking it would be a good idea to go for a walk on a cloudy day.

I turned the corner and spotted a figure on the steps that led up to the building of my flat. It was kinda creepy. Shouldn't he be inside? I was skeptic of walking closer, but when I did, I saw the familiar ratty Rolling Stones tshirt, black jeans, and curly, but wet, hair. I froze. How did he know where I lived?

"Harry?" I questioned as I stoof right in front of him. His head drifted up and a smile formed on his face, still saying nothing. "How did you- nevermind. Let's get inside before both of us get sick," I pushed in my key and led him inside. We rode the lift in silence.

"Want anything to drink? Tea? Coffee?" I asked as I shook off my hoodie and placed it on the couch. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee for myself.

"Tea please!" Harry called out. I placed some water in a cup and set it in the microwave. (Idk how brits make tea but this is how I make shitty tea. ok.) I set a tea bag in it and walked back into the living room.

"How long were you outside?" I asked as I handed the boy his cup.

"Thank you. And about 20 minutes," He said taking a sip. His eyes peered at me.

"Twenty minutes? And may I ask how you got my address?" I questioned, sitting down.

"No...? You might beat him up," Harry chuckled.

"Damn you, Louis," I mumbled under my breath. Harry didn't deny it. Turns out I was right.

"So what brings you here?" I set my cup down and leaned into the couch.

"You know why," He said, doing the same. He was right. I did know, but I didn't want to admit it.

"I highly doubt that, Styles," I raised my eyebrows, teasing him. He stood up and sat down next to me.

"Oh you know exactly why, Chadwick," His raspy voice whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. His lips brushed the lobe of my ear before he pulled away. He stood up and went over to the window, not facing me.

"It's been too long, Lexi," He said softly. He looked to the side, but then back to the scenery. "I've been a wreck ever since....since the beginning, really. Since you lost your memory..."

I stood next to him and looked at the cars move below us.

"I've noticed," I commented, arms crossing my chest.

"Nothing's the same-"

"And it never will be," I interjected. Harry scratched the back of his head and bit his bottom lip.

"I know. I know," He said slowly. "I'm sorry. For everything. I miss my best friend. I miss having someone who knows all my secrets, memories. I miss my other half, Lexi," he peered down at me with glossy eyes.

I didn't say anything. But I did pull him into a hug. Just like old times. Just like we did when we were friends. Best friends to be exact.

Harry's head burrowed into the crook of my neck, taking it all in. His arms wrapped tightly around my sides.

"Please don't let me go," he asked shakily. Who knew guys could be emotional? Certainly not me.

"I won't, Harry. I promise." His grip on me tightened.

"Promise me. I honestly don't know what to believe in life anymore. Show me," his voice rang with a twinge of raspiness. I pulled away slightly and looked up at his eyes. I missed looking at how green they were, how perfect they seemed.

His hand pushed my hair behind my ear. "Show me," He repeated. "Prove it," he whispered.

I licked my lips before pressing them against his. Everything just came back to me. I finally felt happy. I finally felt like I was home. Everything was familiar and just how I liked it.

Hands gripped my waist as I tangled my fingers his hair. Our chests pressed together. I nipped at his bottom lip. I wanted something. For the first time in a long time. I wanted to be loved.

I tugged at the hem of Harry's shirt. He pulled away slowly, looking at me with frightful eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to-"

"Yes Harry. Unless you don't want to, then that would be-"

"What kinda assumption is that?" He pulled his shirt off and kissed my lips. He pulled my arm so I was close to him. "I said prove it, did I not?" He smirked devilishly.

I giggled and pulled him to my room. He laid me down on my pillows, him hovering over me. "I love you, you know that right? I mean it. I truly mean it. I don't know what else I can do or say to show it. You just have to trust me." His eyes showed sincerity. He wasn't lying. And I don't think he lied to me the thousands of times he said it throughout the years. I believed him. I trusted him. It just took me too long to actually see it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I trust you, Harry. I always have."

I smiled. He smiled. Both of us were happy for the first time since forever. "I love you, too," I whispered.

I climbed out of bed trying not to stir the sleeping lad beside me. I pulled on Harry's t shirt, smelling his very distinct cologne in the process.

Silently, I grabbed my phone off the ground and snuck into the kitchen.

My fingers danced along the keyboard as I pulled up a contact.


"Damn you, Louis," I swore under my breath.

"Hey hey hey before you assume anything, I didn't do whatever you think I did!" He defended. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't give me that crap, Tomlinson. You gave him my address didn't you?" I harshly whispered as I leaned over the counter.

"I-I-I..." He stuttered, speechless. I but my lip, trying to hold in my smile.

"Well I just called to say thank you. Thank you, Louis. I did miss Harry. I just, I just kept denying the fact that I did." I closed my eyes and ran my hand through my tangled hair.

"You're very welcome, Lexi. You two are family. I had to do something about it," he concluded. I heaved a sigh and didn't say anything for a moment.

"I was just afraid of getting hurt again. I know he doesn't intend on hurting me, but I don't know. My life is just a mess," I groaned.

"It'll fix itself, love. Just give it time. Harry should speed up the process. I'm sure of it," Louis said sincerely.

"Well we can only hope, right?"

"Why hope? It's bound to happen. We just have to wait."

Arms slithered around my waist. Lips gently kissed my jawline.

"Um y-yeah. Great advice, Lou. I gotta go," I said quickly, not giving thought into what he had said.

My phone was taken out of my hand and placed onto the counter.

"I thought you were asleep," I spoke. Harry hugged me tightly.

"I thought you left me again. I-I, the bed was empty and I thought you left me again," he shuddered.

I turned around and placed the palm or my hands on his chest.

"I won't leave you, Harry. I won't. C'mon lets go back to bed." His soft hand laced through mine. I led him back to my room.

Our legs intertwined. The small hairs on his legs tickled mine. The warmth radiating off his body comforted me. Lips lightly touched my forehead.

I looked up into Harry's familiar emerald eyes. I snuggled closer into his chest.

I heard him mumble the last line of the song he sang me.

"Don't let me go, 'cuz I'm tired of sleeping alone."

A/N: awww now the epilogue is next. Then the book will be done. I seriously like this chapter. Didn't you? Vote. Fan. Like. Read 'Wait For Me' Love you all! ~Caitlyn xx

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