Chapter 25

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Harry's POV

"Are you still dating that one girl, uh, what's her face?" Taylor asked monotonously. I rolled my eyes and set my cup of tea down.

"Lexi. And yes I'm still dating her. Why do you care?" I was getting sick of Taylor's snotty attitude. It was getting worse by each date. I feel as though I'd rather kill myself than be with her self centered b-

"Because, Harold, I don't see why you like her so much. There's nothing special about her," Taylor shrugged. She disgusted me. I was ready to throw the table against the wall. 

"No one, I mean no one says Lexi isn't special. She's so special-"

"Yea Special Ed," She retorted. My jaw clenched. I don't care about this 'career.' I can get publicity for the band without her. 

"Fuck you Taylor. Lexi is a much better person than you'll ever be. I'm done with this fake relationship. Oh and just so you know," I stood up and pushed my chair in. I was beyond angry at this point. "It makes sense to why you’ve had so many boyfriends in less than three years. Honestly, I feel bad for them. Have a nice life!”

“Don't talk to me. Don't come near me. This 'relationship' is over. I've had enough of you're crap!" Taylor looked at me stunned. As though she's never had someone talk to her like that before. I'm surprised no one has. 

Lexi's POV

I paced back and forth, waiting for Harry to come back. Today was the day I had to do it. I had to break up with him. 

"Lexi, relax. Everything will be fine..." Liam began. "Well actually, you two will be heartbroken but c'mon it'll only be for a few months." I glared at the lad. Easy for him to say. He wasn't the one having to go through it. 

"Now I gotta go downstairs. Act as though nothing's going on. I'll be playing football with the lads, okay?" Liam asked, setting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded. 

"C'mere. It's for the best, alright?" Liam pulled me into a hug. His hand rubbed my back, comfortingly. 

"Alright. Now go. He'll be back soon." I shoo'd the boy. 

And I was right. Harry came back 10 minutes later. He burst in excitedly. Great, now I'm gonna be ruining his mood. 

"I have great news!" He cheered. I bit my lip and sat down. Harry's smiling face turned into a frown. "What's wrong, love?" 

"Harry, we need to talk...." I muttered. I stood up and let the palm of my hand fall on the tip of my forehead. My other arm was on my hip. I eyed my luggage all packed up in the corner. 

"About what?" I could hear worry in his tone of voice. It scared me. I had to stay strong. No crying. I have to make sure this was real. He has to believe me.

"You and I. Harry, we need to break up." I bit my lip, turning to face him. His whole heart dropped. I could feel his pain by just looking at him.

"W-wait hold on. W-why?" He ran his hand through his hair. Tears were forming near the corners of his eyes. 

"I just can't do it. Look nothings wrong with you, Harry. You're perfect. It's just I can't do it with this fame. I don't wanna be hiding. I don't wanna always be on the road. I just can't do it. I'm sorry," I choked. Harry looked down and put a fist to his mouth. 

"Don't give me this 'It's not you, It's me' crap, Lexi. I know you. What's really going on?" Harry looked up. His green eyes stared at me, searching for the truth. I looked away.

"That is the truth, Harry." I persisted. He shook his head. 

"You don't give up that easily. I know you. If you want something, you're willing to work it out. What the hell is going on?!" Harry demanded. See this is why I didn't want to tell him about the baby. This wasn't even his worst. 

I could suddenly see the cold in his eyes. 

"You should leave, Harry. I'm...I"m sorry." 

I opened the door, motioning for him to go. Harry wasn't sad anymore. Or at least from what I could see. He clenched his fist and walked by me. Before he actually left, he muttered something. It was faint; I barely heard it. 

"I know that's not the real reason, Lex. If something's wrong, I'm gonna find out."

I took a deep breath in. This stress was not good for me. There was a buzz in my pocket. 

Liam: You're ride is here. I think you should come down before you're late. 

I carried my luggage to the lift. I walked to the parking lot, near the tour bus. I noticed some fans in the distance, screaming. But it wasn't a usual scream. This one was different. 

I could see the security trying to hold the fans back from something. Turning a little towards my right, I saw all the lads together. They were restraining Harry. Liam was on the floor, holding his jaw. 

The heck? I rushed over to them. 

"What's going on?" I questioned, setting my stuff down. 

Harry tried to get out of Zayn and Louis's grasp. I helped Liam up off the ground and looked at his red jaw. 

"Let go of me!" Harry growled. 

"Harry, here just walked up to Liam and punched him," Niall said stating the obvious. 

"Yea because he knows why Lexi is leaving! Fucking bastard has been spending so much time with her. More than me!" Harry yelled. 

"I swear to God, Lexi, if you don't tell him what's going on-" 

"Shut up Liam. Niall take him in for some ice." I instructed. 

"What about Dani?! Huh Liam? How will she feel about this?" Harry screamed as the two boys walked into the hotel. What has gotten into him? 

"Jesus Christ, Harry! Liam and I are not dating!" I yelled. Now that Liam and Niall were gone, Louis and Zayn let go of the boy. 

"Even if so, why have you two been spending so much time together? He'd know why you're leaving me! I broke up with Taylor because I was done with her crap. Now I have to put up with more?! I though I was gonna be able to spend more time with you after that! What lies has he been feeding you about me?" Harry spat.

I glanced at the fans, wondering if they could hear what was going on. Surely they couldn't. They were screaming themselves. 

But wait, Taylor and him are over? That's news to me. 

"Nothing. He's said nothing! In fact, he's been helping me!" I threw my hands up in the air with frustration. 

"Helping you for what?" 

Damnit. I'm screwed. I mean c'mon would it get worse if I told him? Hell yea. But he deserves the truth also. Liam did say if I didn't tell Harry, then he was gonna. 

I looked at the quiet lads behind Harry. "Can I talk to him alone? I promise I got him." Zayn and Lou looked at each other before nodding and walking away. 

This was not going according to planned. I took a deep breath in. 

"Remember the night you asked me out for a second time?" I didn't even wait for a response before continuing. "That night you had to go out with Taylor. During that time frame, Seth came in. He tried to get back together with me, and I refused of coarse. Which did not help the situation I was about to get into." Harry stared at me; glare not changing. 

I decided to just get to the point. There was nothing and no one to stop me now. 

"Harry, Seth raped me. A-and I'm pregnant." 

A/N: Whoops. Cliffhanger. haha Sorry. I wrote this fairly early in the morning. 1:30 I should say. I'd write more but I'm tired. So nighty night :) Xx Caitlyn.

P.S. Sorry again for all you Taylor lovers. I don’t know how she really acts. I mean no one does, because all of that could be a cover story. But her attitude now could be real also. Don’t know. Don’t care. Her songs irritate be because they’re full of her problems. Don’t like my opinion? Oops! Everyone deserves their own opinion and this is mine.

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