Chapter 24

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Lexi's POV

Two weeks have passed by. We were now stoping in Vegas for a concert. Inside, I was dying. How could I be lying to Harry? This whole week, I've been planning the future. I don't want him to know about this baby.

Liam has been there for me this whole time. He's always keeping an eye out for me, making sure I eat enough, asking if I felt sick or nauseous on the bus. Liam has been better than Harry and I know that's a consequence for not telling him, but I'm scared. I know how both boys are when they're angry. If a fight goes viral, One Direction can loose fans, Harry could go to jail, Seth could go to jail, someone can get sued....a lot can happen and I don't think I'd be able to handle any of it.

I just want this baby to be safetly born. That's all. Harry or not. I don't want a major headline about being knocked up or being called a whore when none of this was my fault.

"So have you figured out how you're gonna tell Harry?" Liam asked as we ate chinese food in my room. I stuck my chopsticks down in my orange chicken and set it down. I don't know the total plan yet, but I have the main idea figured out.

"You're not thinking of abortion are you?" I looked at Liam horrified. Why would he ever think that would be an option?

"Of coarse not! The thing is I don't wanna tell him. I-"

"Lexi, I think you should. Harry will be flipping if you-" I cut him off.

"Just listen." I commanded. Liam disapprovingly shook his head, but allowed me to continue on. "In a couple months, before I start showing my bump, I'm gonna break up with him. It's gonna break us both since he's been through enough since the crash-"

"He sure will!" Liam added on. I gave him an annoyed glare. "Sorry," He apologized.

"As I was saying, I will break up with him and move back home with my parents. I'll stay with them until the baby is born. I..." I scratched the inner side of my eye and sighed. "I'm gonna put him or her up for adoption..." Liam stared at me in shock.

"W-well two things. How are you gonna go home when Seth is still there? Two, adoption? I don't think you should do this, Lex," Liam advised. I admit, he had a good point with the first thing he said. I mean normally the other girls like El or Dani would go home after a week or two. Right now, I would too, but I'm scared of Seth. I don't wanna go back and face him.

"I have to. I have no other choice. I gotta go to Uni and I don't want you boys loosing fans for Harry getting a fight or bad publicity because of this. Liam, you have to trust me on this." I begged the lad to not spill the secret. I don't wanna break up with Harry, but it was for the best.

"Whatever. Look I scheduled an appointment for you when we get to NYC which is in a week. The boys have been talking about going clubbing and you can't go. It's for the sake of the baby. I'll come with, just saying I'm not ready to go clubbing yet, either," Liam spoke, changing the subject. I pulled him into a grateful hug.

"Oh Li, what would I do without you? You're like a big brother to me. Thank you so much!" The boy pat my back reassuring me.

"No problem, Lexi. You're family to me. I'd do anything for family," He smiled. I was so grateful for Liam. Without him, I'd be going no where.

*A week later*

Liam kept his sunglasses on as we walked into the hospital. We walked up to the front desk and checked in my name.

"Okay, can you two follow me?" The nurse asked, taking us to a room. "It will be a while till the doctor comes. Get yourself comfortable okay, miss?" She smiled sweetly.

"Yes. Thank you." I nodded, sitting down.

Liam tapped his foot. I could tell he was nervous. He couldn't have any fans or papz telling that we're here or we are screwed. He is risking everything for me. If Harry finds out, he might take things the wrong way. That wouldn't be good either.

"Hi! I'm Dr. Sanchez. You must be Lexi. And sir, are you the husband or boyfriend?" The doctor looked up at Liam. He chuckled and shook his head innocently.

"Neither. I'm just a really good friend." Liam explained.

"Ahh okay. Got it. So let's get started with a few tests..."

We did some blood work, urine samples (ew don't question it. my dad does all this stuff for a living D: it's nasty), and lastly, an ultrasound.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to sit back," Dr. Sanchez instructed. I did as told. He lifted my shirt up a little bit, only showing my stomach. He squirted clear gel, which was fairly cold, and turned on a moniter. Using that wand thingy, he pressed onto my stomach, searching for the baby.

" we go. Do you see the child?" He asked, pointing to the screen. I stared at it, astonished. It wasn't big at all. So far, the growing child was a circular shape. It was hard to believe that in a few months, he or she would have fingers and toes. The baby would have hair and cute little cheeks....I don't think I want to give this baby up anymore. I-I just can't.

The doctor printed me a scan of the ultrasound and let us leave. Before going, he explained the child was growing properly and healthily so far. I couldn't wrap my mind around all of this. I was what, only 4 weeks pregnant? This was gonna be a long journey.

Liam kept his head low. We entered the car, slamming the door shut. It was though he could read my mind. Li looked at me and asked, "Do you really wanna give the baby up, just like that?"

I bit my lip, not knowing what to say. I opened my mouth to say something, but then closed it. The words were lost.

"C'mon Lex. You know this isn't the way," Liam urged. He was right. I couldn't give the baby up for adoption. No matter how much I wanted to.

"Then that would mean I'd have to stay away from you guys forever. Liam, I don't know what to do!" Tears of fustration fell down my cheeks. Arms wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me into a comforting hug.

"Not forever, Lex. Remember how you said you're gonna need to break up with Harry?" I composed myself and nodded. "Well just break up with him a little earlier than planned, have the baby, and then come back later on saying it happened after a one night stand after you two broke up. He'll be pissed, but it's better then him finding out now."

I frozed, astonished. That actually wasn't a bad idea.

"Thanks Li. I don't know how I could do this without you. You're like my superhero," I laughed. Liam kissed the tip of my head. In a brotherly way may I add.

"Batman is here for your service," He chuckled. I did the same. Liam always knows how to lighten the mood.

"Let's get back to the hotel. We gotta go pack for the road," I sighed, sinking back into my seat. Liam put the care into drive and drove off.

This was all coming suddenly. Faster than planned. I don't know how I'm gonna handle this.

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