Chapter 17

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Lexi's POV

The days wore on. I FaceTimed Niall a few times. Some of the lads joined in. All but one at least.

It was December 31. Seth and I traveled to London for Louis's New Years Party that he had invited us to. Immediately, we began to party. Wine and beer in everyone's hands. But something was missing. 


"Hey Lou, where's Harry? He always goes to your parties." I cornered the boy, taking a sip of my drink. 

"He uh, him and Taylor went to NYC to see the ball drop. He was supposed to come, but canceled last minute. It's as though we mean nothing to him anymore." Louis shrugged and shook his head in disappointment. He sadly looked up at me with his dull blue eyes and walked away.

Harry Edward Styles did that? He blew off one of his best friends just for some girl he's supposedly 'not' dating? I don't know what to believe anymore. Seems like they're dating to me. You know what, I don't care. It's his life. He can deal with it. I'm still shocked though. Never would I have thought he would do that to Louis, none of the boys to be exact.

"10! 9! 8! 7!..." Before I knew it, everyone was counting down. I spotted Seth in the corner, rushing to him.

"There you are, I was looking for you." He smiled, cupping my chin in his hands.

"4! 3! 2!..." His lips touched mine as almost everyone else cheered. Our lips detached and I smiled up at him.

"Perfect way to end the year, and perfect way to start the year," Seth whispered gently in my ear.

We somehow made it back to our hotel. Seth pulled me into his arms, kissing my neck and collarbone.

"Are you tired?" He mumbled softly. I shook my head, no. Seth kissed my jaw, then cheek, then lips. He lightly bit my bottom lip. We deepened the kiss, his arms holding me by my hips. 

"Good." His fingers trailed down. I knew what he wanted, but was I ready? I thought of Harry and how he wouldn't be okay with this, but wait, Harry doesn't matter. He wasn't my boyfriend. Seth was, and I couldn't be more happy than with him. We've been together almost 4 months now, and he was perfect. This would be my first time, and I had to be positive that I wanted Seth. Was I? Yes. I was. 

"Relax, Lexi. I promise I'll be gentle." 


I woke up in a total bliss. Yesterday was perfect, Seth was perfect, and I knew I made the right desicion. 

Seth rubbed circles on my arm. "Morning beautiful." He grinned at me. He scooted closer to me, providing me warmth. 

"Morning handsome," I replied back. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Be right back. I'm gotta go to the bathroom." He jumped out of bed, pulling on some clothes. I smiled to myself, grabbin my phone off the bedside table. Looks like liam texted me. 

Liam: Hey Lex, I'm gonna need to know if you're coming with us to LA. We're leaving in a week and we gotta buy your ticket. Plz say your coming :)

LA hmm...

"Hey Seth!"

"Yes babe?" I got out of bed and pulled his shirt on.

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