Chapter 11

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Lexi's POV

*Few weeks later*

I sat on the hotel bed, scrolling through twitter. There was a knock on the door, so I got up to open it.

"Hey" The lad smiled.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I questioned, letting the boy in.

"Nothing. Just wanted to hang out with you." Harry smiled cheekily.

"Same old Harold. Well I'm not doing much. Just checking twitter. Why don't you order us a pizza and we can eat it while we talk?" I suggested, sitting back on the bed.

"Sounds good." I looked up Pizza Hut's phone number. Harry called them, ordering a box. We laid in bed, speechless, just listening to music while on our phones and computers.

"Be right back" Harry said while rushing to the bathroom. Right then and there, there was a knock at the door. Pizza man was here.

"Harry, do you have cash? I ran out." I called after the boy.

"Yea just grab my wallet!" He replied. I picked up the leather wallet laid on the bedside table. I opened the door and gave the man a $20.

"Thanks" I told him with a smile. He nodded and headed down the hall.

Before closing the wallet, I spotted a picture. Slowly, I pulled it out, eyebrows creasing. I set the pizza on the table and stared at the picture.

It was of Harry and I. I unfolded it. It was one of those that you got from a booth. It was a strip containing 5 pictures.

In the first one, Harry and I were smiling at the camera. The next one, he was kissing my cheek while my eyes were squeezed shut and a big grin was fomred on my face. The third one had us staring into each others eyes. Our foreheads were pressed together. The last two was of the unthinkable. We were kissing.

A hand covered mine. I quickly looked up. Harry looked at me with no emotion. He slipped the piece of paper from my hand.

"I'm sorry. I should've gotten rid of it. Forget about it, Lex." He told me. I watched him as he dropped it into the bin. It fluttered down slowly.

"Harry...." I spoke softly.

"Don't worry about it. I won't push you to do anything uncomfortable. I just...I'm sorry." Harry sighed.

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault I got in the accident." I reassured him. 

"I know....I just miss you. Holding you, kissing you, having you by my side when I wake up...." I could hear the heartbreak in his voice. " I'm sorry. I should shut up right now." He shook his head, stepping back. It hurt me seeing him like that. 

"Harry stop..." 

"I just question if I still have a chance with you. I've been hoping, praying that you still have feelings for me. I know you do. I just don't know what to do anymore. It's been a month and you still-" Before I knew what was happening, my hands clenched his shirt and my lips crashed to his. I don't know what made me do that, but it just felt so right. Harry was taken back at first, but then I felt his hands slip around my waist, not wanting to let go. His lips were just so soft. When I though Marcus's kiss was special, it was nothing compared to Harry's. 

Breathless, I pulled away. Harry's eyes were closed, but I could tell he was pleased. The corner of his mouth were turned upward. His curls rested messily on his forehead. I lifted my hand, moving them to the side. Blemishes scattered across his skin, but I didn't care. It just showed he was human. He wasn't perfect. Perfect was boring. His bright green eyes opened. I found myself staring at them. 

A light ring brought us back to our senses. Harry picked up his phone and looked at me with sorry eyes.

"Hello?.....Now?......I'm kinda busy.......Fine I'll be there in 30 minutes....Bye." Harry hung up. The happiness had faded.

"What's wrong?" I questioned. Harry pursed his lips, but later faked a smile.

"Nothing. I just wanted to stay with you a bit longer. Guess I can't. We'll talk about this later, okay?" 


"And Lexi..." Harry said before he walked out the door.

"No matter what, I love you. Always have, and always will." He gave me a hopeful smile.

"Love you too, Haz." And with that, I was left alone in the room. 


The day had gone by and Harry still wasn't back. I ended up eating the pizza by myself. Don't worry, not the whole thing. I had like 2 or 3 pieces, giivng the rest to Niall and Zayn. No one would tell me where the boy was. he wouldn't even answer my texts or calls. I began to give up. 

It was getting late, so I went to bed, falling into a deep sleep.


"What are you watching?" Harry asked, stepping into the room.

"Nothing much. Just The Walking Dead." I rested my head on my arm. Harry let his head fall into my lap. I played around with his curls.

"You're obsessed with that show. What's so good about it anyway? It's nasty." Harry scrunched his face. I giggled.

"I honestly don't know. Each episode just makes me want to know what's gonna happen next, I guess." I shrugged. 

"You're just a weirdo." Harry sat up, kissing the tip of my nose.

"I'm not weird. I'm just limited edition." I grinned.

"Agreed. There's no one else like you in this world." Harry's hand held me by the side of my neck, pulling me into a kiss. 

*End Of Flashback*

I read the clock. It was 6 in the morning. I fell back in bed with my phone in my hand. He still hasn't answered. I decided to go on twitter once more. Pictures circulated everywhere. My heart practically broke, which didn't make sense because we weren't really dating, but Harry and Taylor Swift stood side by side, walking up to her hotel. It even looked like Harry was gonna stay the night. His toiletry bag was in his hand. Did that kiss mean nothing to him? When did they even meet? Questions filled my mind, giving me a headache. I knew one thing though....

"No matter what, I love you. Always have, and always will," my ass. He won't get away with it. When I thought I was falling for him again, I was wrong. He's just the flirtatious boy he's always been. He will never change. Ever. 

A/N: Did you guys like it? Comment your thoughts. By the way, should I make my updates shorter or longer? Tell me what I should do. I'll be doing an update soon, so see ya later! Xx Caitlyn

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