Chapter 9

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A/N: so I'm writing this with my phone so it won't be as corrected as when I do it with my computer. Bare with me now. My computer broke, so I'm stuck with this. :/

Lexi's POV

I sat in the passenger's seat on the way to the concert. Harry and Niall were singing like crazy, but I still wasn't in the mood. I looked outside the window, watching the buildings and houses pass by.

Up ahead was a field. There was a small sanded area with a jungle gym. Something about it...made my skin prickle. I remember that park.


"Go on the swing. I'll push you," Harry urged.

"But I don't wanna go on the swing!" I pouted. The boy frowned.

"Pwease??" He asked in a childish voice. I laughed at him and sat down. Harry got behind me excitedly, and pushed my lower back. Soon enough, I was high in the air. The wind picked up my chestnut colored hair and let it brush past my face. The cool air hit my face. I smiled at the view, holding tightly to the chains next to me. I went lower and lower, until I stopped.

When I got off the swing, Harry was a few feet away, sprinting.

"Come and catch me!" He yelled back. Shaking my head, I ran for the boy. He was fast. I admit. But I was faster. I jumped onto his back, taking us both down to the ground. We laughed off the pain from impact.

"You two are so cute..." Harry and I looked up. On the side was a little old lady. Not too old though. I'd say 50-55. "Ahh young love" she gushed. Harry and I glanced at each other.

"Oh un we aren't together, actually. We're best friends." Harry said helping me up. I nodded in agreement.

"Yep. Just friends" I told her.

"That's what they all say..." The woman began. "My sister had a best friend. Henry was his name. They knew each other since they were only 6. Now they are 59 and happily married for 36 years. I know how they used to look at each other. You two do the exact same...." She smiled sweetly.

"Oh...well we made an promise about that a few years ago. Lexi and I are just friends. She's like my little sister to me.." To prove that, Harry rustled my hair. Pissing me off, I shot him a glare.

"Some promises are best broken..." She winked. "When the time is right, you shall see."

~End Of Flashback~

"Harry?" I spoke.

"Yea, Lex?"

"Did we ever go to that park we just past?" I questioned. Our eyes locked for a second, before he turned back to the road.

"Y-yea. Right before we went back on tour. We had a few days before be had to go back Brighton. Why?" He asked. I saw his hands grip the wheel right. Niall watched us, nervously.

"I just...I remember you pushing me on the swings and me chasing you. Some old lady told us about how her sister fell in love with her best friend," I explained. Harry went rigid.

"Is that all you remember?" He said softly.

"Yea..." I replied just as quiet.

Harry's POV

So she remembers that. It was clear in my head also. I remember it was just a few days after leaving Leeds. We went back to London for a short break and we went to Brighton to continue our tour. It was only a few days till what the old lady said, came true. That day, I played off my feelings for Lexi. But the woman knew how I truly felt. Her stare bore into my eyes. I'll never forget how she singled me out. Never.

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