Chapter 29

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Niall's POV

Liam opened the door to the hospital room. In the corner, I spotted Andy sitting on a chair next to the hospital bed. Looking up, Andy gloomily stood up to tell us the news. 

"So what's wrong?" Zayn whispered. 

Andy looked at the sleeping figure and then back at us. 

"I uh...Lexi called me early this morning saying she needed me. When I got to her room, she said that her stomach was uh hurting and when I looked at her bed, it was stained red with blood. So I rushed her to the emergency room and the doctor examined her..." His voice trailed off, not knowing how to say what's wrong with her. 

"And..?" Liam asked.

"And Lexi had a miscarraige," Andy said bluntly. I heard a gasp from Lou. My eyes darted to the girl on the bed. Does she know? 

"Does she know or..."

"She knows. The doctor gave her some medicine to help her relax a bit. But she's not taking it too well," The lad said. I bit my lip knowing that even though everything was sudden, Lexi really wanted to have this baby. She wanted to be a good mother and in my opinion, she woud've. 

"We'll help her get through this. It isn't the first time either," Zayn huffed. 

He's right. It wasn't the first time Lexi's been in the hospital, helpless. It's not the first time that her best friend wasn't here for her. Like always, it was the rest of the boys and I left to help her. 

"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered. "I need to go for a walk." 

Everyone looked at me in confusion. Usually I was the strong one, always on her side, but this just didn't feel right. I strolled out of the hospital and sat on the curb of the walk way. 

My hands tangled in my hair as I debated on what to do. My phone was in my hand, ready to call the missing lad. He needs to know right? After all, he does care about her even after what they've gone through.

"I know what you're gonna do," a voice whispered behind me. I didn't bother turning around already knowing who it was. "I suggest you not do it," The person sat next to me and took the phone out of my hand. 

"But it just doesn't feel right, Lou. I have the urge to call him up and tell him what's going on. He needs to know. He cares about her," I groaned. Louis ruffled my hair in a brotherly fashion.

"I know both Lexi and Harry, Niall. It isn't our place to tell him. It's' Lexi's. If she wants to tell him, let her," Lou spoke calmly. I didn't respond, knowing that that was also a good option to go with.

"C'mon mate. I'm knackered. Care to grab a cup of coffee?" I slowly rose my head, eyes meeting with Lou's. I nodded hoping I could get my mind off of everything. 

Lexi's POV

*a few hours later*

I woke up to a familiar beeping sound. Will is shut up? I groaned and sat up. I was in an unfamiliar room. Then it hit me...what happened this morning. 

Tears brimmed my eyes, threatened to spill. I tried blinking them away. I looked up and saw 5 boys sitting in different parts of the room. 

"W-water..." I stuttered, feeling my throat had been dry and scratchy. Everyone looked up. The closest person, which was Louis, poored me a cup of water and helped me take a sip. 

"How you feeling?" Liam asked gently. I scratched my head and looked him straight in the eyes.

"I'll be fine. I've had better days, but I'll be okay," I whispered. I gave him a small grin. Liam ruffled my hair and smiled back. 

"I think we should speak to her seperatly," A voice spoke up. Niall licked his lips. "I'll go last," He muttered while he walked out. Everyone looked at each other and mumbled a few things. Everyone left but Liam. 

Niall's POV

One by one, the boys entered and exited the room. Soon enough, it was my turn.  Zayn closed the door and motioned for me to walk up. 

I could hear my footseps echo on the white tiiles. Lexi sat in the bed, looking at her hands. Looking up, I received a small smile. 

"Hey Nialler," She spoke softly. I sat down next to her and took her hand into mine. 

"Hi Lex," I replied. 

"Don't give me the 'It's not your fault lecture' okay?" Lexi begged. I chuckled.

"I won't. I'm sure the other lads have already done that." I saw a twinkle in the girl's eyes. Something I haven't seen in a while. 

"I'm just glad you're okay. It seems like a routine with you being here." Lexi didn't speak for a moment, just looking at the wall in front of her.

"That's not the only thing that seems like a routine," She muttered under her breath. 

I sighed. "You should tell him, you know?" 

Lexi uncomfortably shifted in her bed. "I-I can't Niall. What he's done is unforgivable. When I actually thought he cared, he didn't."

"That's not true. What he did, Lexi, was to get away from the thought of you leaving him. He couldn't deal with the pain."

"I don't know, Niall. I haven't seen him in months. I have to think about it, okay?" 

I kissed her delicate forehead. 


Harry's POV

I slammed the cubboards. 

"Godammit, where's the coffee?" I swore under my breath. When I found the bag, it was empty. I groaned. This was just not my morning. 

First I wake up to a message telling me Lou had to go do something. He said he'd be back by morning, but so far I haven't seen him. Next, I stubbed my toe while getting out of bed. Then I went to take a shower and realized I had run out of shampoo. Lastly, I don't have coffee, in which I really need. 

I grabbed my keys and headed for the store down the road. While walking outside, I noticed a girl having trouble carrying a few boxes. She had nice long blond hair and was fairly skinny. Hmm she's fit. 

All of a sudden, she drops a box and everything falls out. I simply jog over and help her pick up her things. 

"Thank you. I'm so very clumsy," She says picking things up. Once she looks up at me, her eyes are wide. 

"I know you..."

"What's your name, love?" I ask. I grab the box and stand up. 

"Lauren. Thanks for helping me. I can take it," Lauren held her arms out. 

"No no, it's okay. I can bring it to your room. Did you just move here?" She grabbed another box from the back of her car.

"Actually yes," She gave me a genuine smile. I smiled back. A real smile this time. Not some fake one for the cameras or for someone to believe that I was okay. 

"You'll love it," I said trying to make a small chat. 

"I sure hope I will." I followed Lauren to the lift and up to her room. She opened the door and held it open for me.

"You can just leave it on the side," She pointed to the corner. I set the box down. 

"Would you care for a cup of coffee or tea?" She asked while walking to the kitchen. I chuckled. 

"I'd love for some coffee," I spoke. It was exactly what I was looking for. Maybe this time, I found both things I needed. Some coffee, and someone to get my mind off of everything. Not some one night stand, but someone for the rest of my life.

A/N: I'm baaaack! Sorry if there are any errors. I'm having a hard time typing because my hands are freezing cold and stiff. Just got back from Hawaii and not excited for this cold weather. It's supposed to be warm :( Poop. Oh well I'll get over it. Hope y'all had or have a nice day :D Xx Caitlyn

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