Chapter 13

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Lexi's POV

Harry and I stayed away from each other for the next couple of days. From what I saw, according to the press, Harold was out with Taylor most of the time. What's the point of me even being here with them? The whole point was for me to hang with the lads, but they were busy 24/7 and if not, Harry was out with Taylor. This was supposed to be fun, but it wasn't. I practically stayed in the hotel room all day long. 

"Niall, I just want to go home. Like home home. There's no point in being here right now..." I packed up all my belongings as Niall looked at me with sadness.

"Don't go, Lex. I want you to stay, no need you to stay." Niall spoke. I shook my head. According to the press, 'Haylor' was together practically every hour of every day. She even went to rehearsals once. And lets just say, when I met her, it wasn't pleasant. She was conceited and always clinging to Haz. Taylor was like a lost puppy. (A/N: Sorry if you guys love Taylor or something. Just something to go along with the story)


"I love your outfit and your hair. It's very...pretty." I told Taylor, trying to make a conversation. 

"I know right? Like oh my gosh, it took my crew forever to put together!" She exaggerated. I rolled my eyes when Taylor looked away. Harry walked out of his dressing room and glanced over at us. 

"HARRY! WAIT!" Taylor called out, running towards him. He smiled and kissed her cheek sweetly. Disgusted, I turned away, walking out of the hall.


"I'm sorry Niall. I just...I'd rather not. I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Back to Holmes Chapel. I haven't seen my family since the inncident...I need  a break." I zipped up my suitcase, sitting back down on the bed.

"Wait, your birthday is tomorrow. Can't you at least stay one more day? Please?" The irish lad begged.

"No. I can't. No refunds. I don't have the extra money either. I'm not changing my mind Niall. I'll just see you guys when you get back, okay?" I gave him a hopeful smile. Niall didn't look pleased. 

"It's Harry isn't it? That's why you want to go." Niall said emotionless. He stood up, looking me in the eye.

"No...yes...I don't know. It doesn't matter anyway Niall. I can't stay with you guys for the rest of my life. I was gonna go to Uni later, just think of this as a early leave, okay?" He nodded. "Thanks. Now I'm gonna tell the rest of the boys, wanna come?"


I gave the boys one last hug before I jumped into the cab. Well except for Harry. He wasn't in his room, so I assumed he was with Taylor. 

"Happy birthday, Lex. We'll miss you, okay?" Zayn let me burry my head into his chest.

"Got it. I'll miss you guys too. Just...have fun with the promotions and stuff. Wish I could watch you guys do the One Way Or Another vid." I pursed my lips, looking at the ground.

"Don't worry about it. We'll send you the shots." Liam smirked.

"Okay. Thanks again. I'll see you boys soon. I better get going." I gave each of them a hug once more and opened the door to the cab.

"Oh and Lexi, call me when you land. Wanna know you're okay." Niall whispered to me. Harry used to tell me that when I went on a trip. A lump grew in my throat.

"Will do, Nialler. Will do." I finally spoke. 


Many hours later, I arrived home. I spent practically half of my birthday stuck in either a plane or an airport. But you know what, I'm not complaining. At least it gave me something to do. 

Everything Has Changed (Harry Styles)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang