Chapter 8

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Lexi's POV

My eyes fluttered open. Turning towards  the clock, I read 3:57. I guess that's what I get for going to bed at 6. I wasn't tired anymore. I was fully awake. My hands searched for the bedside table lamp. Once on, I curled up into a ball, under the duvet.

We were going back home today. London. I sighed in relief, closing my eyes in the process. I just laid under the covers for a moment. The sheets comforted me, soft and warm. I was unmoving. Still thinking about the dreams from last night. Usually, I forget them. I don't usually know the exact details, but didn't feel like just a dream. It was a memory, or at least it felt like this. I just don't know. I'm just so confused. 

When the clock read 7, I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I splashed some cold water on my face, and brushed my teeth. I pulled the elastic out of my hair, allowing the waves to fall down. I bushed it out, and strolled to my suit case. I pulled out an overisized coral colored knitted sweater, and black tights. My brown Uggs fit snuggly around my feet. I packed up my mess and gathered my electronics and chargers. I was packed and ready to go. Seeing I had extra time, I went to the Starbucks near by. It was just down the street from the hotel. 

I ordered a Carmel Macchiato and a blueberry muffin. I felt lazy today. I just wanted to stay in, but I forced myself to get up and about. I still felt bad for blowing off Marcus. From the talk Harry and I had yesterday, it made me realize I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready for anything right now.

My phone rang. I read the caller ID. Niall.


"Where are you? We gotta go to the aiport in an hour. Are you packed?" He asked.

"Yes, Niall. I'm packed. I just went for some Starbucks. I'll head back right now." I got up and threw away my package holding the rest of my blueberry muffin. I wasn't too hungry. 

"Okay. Just come to my room. Bring your luggage with you"

"Got it. Just give me 5 minutes"

"Kay. Bye."

"Bye." I grabbed my coffee and walked back to the hotel.


"Ready to go?" Niall questioned, rolling his suitcase out.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'

We walked down to the cars downstairs. The rest of the boys were already down there, waiting for us. We jumped in one car, bags in the back.

It was silent at first. No one spoke, so I just pulled out my phone and checked twitter.

Someone cleared their throat.

"So how was the dinner?" Liam asked. My head popped up.

"Oh uh I didn't go. I..I called it off." Liam made an 'o' with his mouth. I nodded and stared back at my phone. Before looking down, I sneaked a peak at Harry, looking with the corner of my eye. He was staring at me intently. As though he was looking for an answer, trying to figure something out.

We checked in, went through securtiy, and boarded the plane. I sat next to the window, looking at the gloomy gray sky. Something rustled behind me. I didn't even have to fully look to the side to know who it was. I spotted the curly brown hair with my peripheral vision. Why him? Why not Niall? I could feel my body tense.

Harry's POV

She was ignoring me. Our eyes never met, not once. My hands clenched as I looked at her. She looked helpless. I wanted to pull her into my arms, hug her tight and not let go; but that wasn't an option right now. I can't do that unless I wanted to get a slap in the face. 

"Lexi...." I began softly. The girl didn't even flinch. "Lex..." She ran her fingers through her hair and finally looked me in the eyes. 

" Yes?" She asked in a cold voice.

"I-I'm sorry. For everything. Can we just forget what-" When I said the word 'forget', Lexi's emotions drastically changed. She looked scared, worried, lost. "Can we just start over?" I said changing the wording. Lexi starred at her hands.

"Umm sure..." She told me uncertainly. I gave a half smile. Her eyes slightly lightened, not as sad. She smiled back.

"I was going to Ed's concert with Niall once we got back. Before the 'accident' you were supposed to go with us. Are you still up for it?" I questioned. I gave Lexi a little time to think. Our eyes locked and she nodded.


A/N: Another update! Yay! Short, but it's still an update. Honestly, I have too much time on my hands. It takes me like an hour to create each chapter, this one took 45 minutes. Woohoo. Oh and can you guys go read Save Me Tonight? I'm gonna make the cover once I get my phone back. I got it taken away :/ So till then, it won't have a cover. Sorry :( Read it and tell me what you think. Feedback is appreciated Xx Caitlyn

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