Bonus Chapter

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I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I found myself on the verge of tears as I sunk into the bed. I don't know who's idea it was for this reunion tour, but it's been 6 months and I don't think I can do it much longer. 

I missed her. I missed them. I missed the flat. Where I was now, everything was unfamiliar. The stress, the fans, the yelling, the crying, it was just too overwhelming. 

I pulled my computer from my luggage and began to contact the number that has been stuck in my head since forever. 

Then a figure popped up. A familiar one. One that reminded me of home. 

"Harry," Her voiced soothed. I licked my bottom lip. 

"Hey Lex," I said softly. I found myself running my hand through my hair. 

"Something wrong?" Lexi frowned involuntarily. I always tried to hide my worries from her, but I guess it didn't work this time. 

"No. I just miss you guys. How's Lizzy?" I yawned. I hadn't been getting much sleep. I questioned how I used to do this back in the day. I mean it wasn't too long ago, but I mean it's a wonder how I survived. 

"She's been good. Missing you too. She's napping right-" A small version of me walked in the doorway. 

"Mummy?" Her chesnut curls were all over the place; eyes droopy from sleep. 

"Hi pumpkin, look who's here!" Lexi pulled Liz into her lap. 

"Hi Lizzy Bear!!" I smiled widely for my princess. I suddenly didn't miss home as much. As long as I saw their faces, everything would be alright. 

"Daddy!!!' She waved to the camera. "I miss you!" 

"I miss you too, princess! Now where's my little prince?" I asked. Lexi pulled Liz out from her lap and picked up the device. 

"Right here." The computer was placed on the ground. My little boy was pulled out of the play pen. Lizzy sat down next to her mum and Ethan in her lap. 

"Hi bud," I said softly. His green eyes were filled with joy. Straight dark brown hair flopped around on his head. 

It struck me, how much I was missing from my children's lives. I had missed Lizzy's 4th birthday just last month. And the last time I had seen Ethan, he wasn't able to hold his little head up. Now he was. 

I forced a smile. "They're growing up so fast....I-I'm sorry for not being there guys."

My eyes started tearing up. I didn't want to be that dad who was never there for their kids. I didn't want to be my dad when he divorced my mum. I wanted to be actively participating with them. I wanted to take them to that park, show them how to ride a bike....Before I know it, my little girl will be out dating some guy and my boy will be on a winning football team. That wouldn't be fair for them. 

"Hey, hey, hey, Harry stop. I know what you're gonna do. I know what you're gonna say. It's fine. You'll be coming home soon. You couldn't help this from happening," Lexi reassured. I nodded, not willing to put up a fight. 

"Well I just called to say hello. Elizabeth, be good for your mum okay?" Lizzy bobbed her head furiously. I chuckled. "And little man, I'll be seeing you soon. Don't you dare take your first steps any time soon," I warned sticking my finger out. 

Lexi laughed. "As for you love, take care of them. Take as many pictures and videos as you can. I want it to be like I'm with them every minute." 

Lexi fixed Ethan's hair a little bit. "You act as though I haven't been doing that already," she commented, not looking at the camera. "Get some sleep, Haz, you look exhausted," Lexi instructed. 

"Okay. I love you guys, as much as there are stars in the sky." I remember a fan telling me that once. Then it just stuck. Because that's how much I loved them. It was an infinite amount. Something that couldn't be counted. 

"Love you too, daddy!!!"

"Love you Harold! Say bye, Ethan!" Lexy waved the little lad's hand. I laughed and blew them a kiss, ending the call. 

That night, I finally got some rest. 


"And that's what makes you beautiful!"

I held the mic out in front of me. The lads stood by my side, forming a shape of a triangle sort of. 

"That's good! Take a break!" The choreographer called out. The boy's and I patted each others backs. I should stop calling them boys, when in fact, they're older than me for one. And two, we weren't teenagers anymore. 

"Mr. Styles, there's a package for you in your dressing room. It was suggested for you to go check it out right now," an assistant infromed me. 

"I uh, I'll be right back," I told the boys. I walked the confusing hallways into my room. 

I stood there stunned. My body couldn't move an inch. 

Lexi stood near the mirror, Ethan on her hip. Lizzy sat on the chair with a comb in her hand. She sang One Thing softly. 

"Daddy!" She screamed as she saw me. Her little legs carried her body over to me. I squatted down engulfing her in a hug. 

"Hi princess!!" I said holding her tight. Then I stood up. I lightly pecked Lexi's lips and took Ethan from her arms.

"Hi baby!" I cooed. Ethan smiled, gums visible. He babbled nonsense, making me laugh. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, taking Lexi's hand and bringing her to the boys. 

"I called Paul and arranged a day to come. He told me as long as we are not a distraction, we could stay for the rest of the tour," she explained. 

I was screaming for joy on the inside. I was so thankful. God if it weren't for the kids being here, I would've pushed Lexi against the wall and kissed her fully. 

I looked at my baby boy. "Looks like I may get to see you take your first steps after all, little guy." I tickled his sides, earning a few laughs. 

"Lexi?" The boys looked at us confused. Lizzy ran towards her Uncles. Niall reached her first, pulling her into a hug. 

I handed Ethan to Louis. Zayn and Liam crowded around them. 

"What are you doing here?" Niall's head popped up. 

"Just came to visit their dad," Lexi said proudly. 

"Yeah! Mummy said we can see you guys sing tonight!" Liz beamed. 

"Really, now? Are you gonna sing along with us?" Zayn asked in a baby voice. 

"Yep! I was practicing on the airplane, too!" Lexi laughed randomly. 

"Oh my god she wouldn't stop singing!" I hooked my arm around her neck, pulling her into my chest. 

"Just like me, huh?" 

"Just like you, Harold. Like father, like daughter."

I felt something hit my back. Turning around, I saw Louis helping Elizabeth hold up a Nerf Gun. 

My little girl had a small smirk on her face. Now when we have Nerf fights, the wars become real. Very competitive family may I say.

"Elizabeth Darcy Styles, Louis Troy Tomlinson (I read somewhere Louis changed his middle name to Troy. Idk if it's true. But the article seemed legit) , you two better run!!" I yelled. Liam passed me a gun. We all stationed ourselves all over the building. Just like old times. 

A/N: AND THAT IS IT! I hope you guys liked this chapter. I had a lot of fun making it to be honest. Fan. Vote. Comment. Read my other fanfic Looking For A Reason! It would mean so much! Thanks! ~Caitlyn :) xx

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