Chapter 21

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Lexi's POV

The mattress beneath me shifted to the side, creaking with its movement. There was a sound of a click as the bathroom door locked. I sprawled my body across the bed, feeling the warmth of the previous body. Opening my eyes, Harry unlocked the bathroom door, stepping out. 

Harry rustled his hair and threw his shirt to the side. I stared at his toned body, tattoos scattered along his skin. He only wore his pajama pants; hanging low, outlining his V line. 

I pulled the duvet above my shoulders, trying to get comfortable. Harry came back to the bed, trying to get under the covers.

"Move your fat arse," He grumbled in a rather deep voice. Should've remembered he wasn't a morning person.

"Well good morning to you too, Styles," I said scooting to the side. Harry unexpectedly grabbed me by the waist, pulling me toward his body. He grinned lazily. Harry chuckled, closing his eyes.

"Why do we keep doing this? Acting like we're a couple, but in reality we're not?" I whispered softly. Harry bit his lip, thinking.

"You know why. I want to stop, but I obviously can't." His soft fingers traced my spine.

"Harry..." I groaned under my breath.

"How are you feeling? Okay?" Harry said, changing the subject. 

"I'm okay. Can we just forget about him? About what happened?" I stared into his eyes, seeing the worry.

"Of coarse we can. It just wont be as easy for you as it is for me." Soft lips pecked the tip of my head. 

"Ugh don't remind me. Do you have anything to do today? I miss staying in with you." I closed my eyes, still feeling a bit tired.

"Just a radio interview at 11, in which I have to get ready for. Why don't you stay in my room for today? Watch some movies, play some video games, and before you know it, I'll be back and you and I can hang out like before," Harry suggested. "The longest I should be out is like 2 hours. This interview shouldn't be two long."

I thought about it for a moment. Why do I have to stay in his room? You know what, I won't question it. 

"Fine. As long as you bring back lunch." I heard Harry laugh. Typical me. Food is my weakness.

"Of coarse I will." Harry climbed back out of bed. Without even bothering to go to the bathroom, he stripped down, changing into a plain white t shirt and black jeans.

"Ugh, Styles, how many times do I need to remind you not to change in front of me?" I groaned, turning over.

"You know you love it!" His voice range.

"You suck." I mumbled. Harry jumped on top of me.

"Good girls swallow," He whispered in my ear. Turning toward him, he winked.

"Eww oh god. Fuck you." I dug my head into the bed, feeling embarrassed. I practically stepped into that one.

"You know you'd want to!" He left a slobbery wet kiss on my cheek. I jabbed the poor boy in the stomach, hearing him groan. 

"Go or I'll kick you where the sun won't shine." Harry covered his privates, backing a way.

"Yes ma'am!" He saluted and grabbed his phones off the charger. "Bye beautiful." He wiggled his eyebrows, running out. 

I swear to god, if he doesn't stop flirting, I'll release all those embarassing photos and videos of him from when we were younger. Fuck our promise we made. It would be funny to see everyone's reaction.

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