Chapter 10

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Lexi's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes cooking in the kitchen. I looked around the room. How did I get in my room? Shaking it off, I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I didn't change last night, so I put on some sweats and a hoodie.

I went downstairs and sat on one of the counter top stool. Harry looked up from the stove and gave me a small smile.

"Morning" he said handing me a plate of pancakes and bacon.

"Morning" I responded. I grabbed the syrup and poured it over the pancakes.

"So the boys and I have an important meeting to go to today. Are you okay on your own?" Harry asked.

"Yea. I'll just go shopping or just stay in and watch some movies" I told him getting out of my seat for a drink of OJ.

"Kay. We won't be back till like 1 or something. Not too long." Harry said walking up the stairs to get ready.



I sat on the couch watching a marathon of Pretty Little Liars. It was already past 1 and Harry still wasn't home. 

I heard the door open and slam shut. I turned my head to see Harry storm in. Louis and Niall right on his toes.

"Harry, wait!" Louis called out. Haz ignored Louis and stomped up to his room. Niall and Lou sighed. 

"What's going on?" I asked curiously. The boy's glanced at each other then back at me.

"Management. It's nothing. Don't worry about it, Lex." Niall spoke. Knowing that wasn't the truth, I got out of my seat and walked up to Harry's room. 

"Lexi, don't-" I knocked on the door. 

"Go away, Lou" Harry grumbled.

"Harry, it's me. Lexi" I spoke softly. There was a short silence, then the door opened. Harry looked at me gloomily. 

"What's wrong?" I asked giving my best friend a hug. He always loved when I gave him a hug when he was down. It was my way of showing I cared. Harry's arms snaked around my waist as he held me close. He buried his head into my collar bone.

"It's complicated." He mumbled. I frowned at his response.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I can't tell you. I wish I could, but I can't." He said simply. 

"Harry..." I began.

"Just leave it, Lexi. Look, we're going to NYC in a few days. That's part of the reason we had the meeting." He told me, changing the subject.

"New York City?" I questioned. 

"Yes. Some promotions, photoshoots, opening of our store, concerts....I'm guessing you're coming with, right?" Harry asked. His arms were still around my waist, but we were no longer hugging. I didn't know why, but it just felt so right to be standing like this. Normally it would be awkward, but  this time, I liked it. 

"Of coarse I'm coming. Its New York City. Shopping time for moi," I giggled. A smile broke out on the boy's face. 

"Good. I don't know what I would do if you didn't." He kissed my cheek. 

Now this was just wrong. I wiggled away from Harry's grip and took a step back. I read confusion written accross his face, which soon turned into realization.

"S-sorry. I forgot about...erm" He said awkwardly. 

"It's okay. Hey, why don't you and I go grab some grub? Like the old times. Walk to McDonalds, fool around at the surrounding stores, you know, Harry and Lexi time" I suggested. Harry chuckled.

"I've missed those days. Why not? Just you and me."


Harry took funny pictures of me while we walked through Walmart, fooling around. I still had the Chocolate chip Frappe I got from McDonalds. I made a fake seductive face while touching the tip of the straw with my tongue. Harry burst out laughing. I looked at the pic he took. 

"Is that not sexy enough for you?" I asked, trying to act offended. He just shook his head, not sure on what to say. 

We walked through the movie and CD section. Thrift Shop started to play.

"THIS IS MY JAM!" I yelled out. "TWERK TEAM!" Shoppers stared at us.

"I don't know her..." Harry said with a serious face. My turn to embarass him.

"Harrry! Aren't you gonna twerk with me? There has to be more than one peron on the twerk team!" I earned yet another laugh from him.

"Lexi, how high are you right now?" He questioned, pulling me away from the music.

"No Harry, it's 'Hi Lexi, how are you right now?'" I stuck my tongue out playfully. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Gimme some of your drink" He said trying to steal the cup from me.

"NO!" I screamed jumping away. 

"Lexi!" Harry whined. 

"Cooties!" I said jokingly. Harry hugged me and licked my cheek. "EWWWW!!!!" I pushed him away.

"C'mon, Lex. Don't you know how many people would love to get licked by me?" He asked with a grin.

"No, but not me! Ew Ew Ew Ew Ew EWWW!" I wiped his spit off my face and rubbed it onto his shirt. "You suck!" I poked the boy in his stomach. 

"You know you love me!"

"I know you care!" I sang.

"Some ones hyper today..." Harry said. 

"I'm like this every day. What are you talking about?" I wiggled my eyebrows. 

"True. True." Harry nodded. Unexpectedly, I jumped on his back.

"Take me home!" I said pointing to the entrance of the store.

"I'm not your horse!" Harry objected.

"Why would I ever ride you?" Once I said that, I regretted it. We burst out laughing.

"You and your dirty mind" Harry chuckled.

"It's not a dirty mind. It's a sexy imagination. Duh!" I flicked my hair off my shoulder. "Now lets go home. It's ruining my reputation being seen with you" I said walking off dramatically. Harry looked at me, offended. 


We got home and I ran to my room. Twittah time!!!!!

I saw a bunch of mentions, one stood out. From Harry. He tagged me in a pic just a minute ago.

@Harry_Styles: Hanging out with this looser today @HaiItsLexi haha love you Lex :P xx

Below was a collage of us. We had silly faces and poses. We are so weird. 

I decided to do the same. 

@HaiItsLexi: Had fun with that cheeky chap @Harry_Styles today. Don't lick me again, or you're dead. (: Have a nice day 

I posted a pic of him practically raping a pole. Haha. What could his stripper name be? Hairy Harry? Ew Nasty! But like, his mum's maiden name was Cox...So wouldn't he be Harry Cox? HAHA I could just imagine people screaming "I LOVE HARRY COX!" I laughed. Hard.

"Whatchu laughing about?" Harry asked, walking in room. 

"None of your beeswax, Styles. Or should I say Cox? Harry Cox?" Me and my sexy imagination ;)

A/N: Sorry for the late update guys. This one was more like  a filler chapter. Hope it was long enough. Love you all!!! Xx Caitlyn 

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