Chapter 27

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Lexi's POV

I took a bite of my sandwich and faced the screen in front of me. 

"Anything new?" I asked sitting back into my chair. Niall ruffled his blonde hair and lifted his eyebrow, thinking. He and I would video chat ever so often. We scheduled for at least 2 times a week and it's been about a month and a half. My belly was now growing very slowly but I was getting there. 

I've talked to the rest of the boys but Harry. I did change my phone number so it wasn't possible for him contact me anymore. It was for the best. Or at least that's what I told myself. They all say Harry disappears throughout the day. He'd only show up when he had to. For example, a meeting, concert, interview, photoshoot, stuff like that, but that's it. The lads always hung out on their spare time, but now, Harry disappears into thin air. They've been trying to find him, but they have no idea. 

"Nahh" Niall said hesitantly. I could see he was lying. 

"Have you found where Harry's been?" I questioned. Niall looked down at his hands and played with his pen. He knew. "Tell me Niall. C'mon." I urged. 

He finally looked up and stared me in the eye.

"I don't know if you actually want to know the truth, Lex. He's changed." Niall pursed his lips and a frown had formed. I needed to know the truth. Just because I broke up with him does not mean I don't still care about him. 

"I don't care. Just tell me," I demanded. I was getting really impatient. 

Niall sighed and licked his lips. "Louis was with Eleanor at the bar the other night. L-Lou spotted him snogging a random girl, and they left a little later. Together." He confirmed. My heart shattered. 

How could he do this? I thought he still cared? I guess he moved on. He never did care. If he did, he wouldn't have done everything he has done. I was fed up with this boy. 

I blinked away the tears and found the strength to reply. "Was it like a one night stand or are they really dating?" I asked quietly. 

"Uh Lou followed him the next day and turns out there was another girl. So I'm assuming it's a one night stand." 

That's all I needed to hear. Countless days. Sleeping with other girls. It was final. I have to move on. These past few weeks, I've been convincing myself that maybe in the future, once his fame died down, we could actually be together. Now, I guess not. 

"Oh," was all I said. That's all I could say. 

The lads were back in the UK now, but they didn't come to see me just incase Harry followed or something. If I was caught with them, it would go to the press. Rumors would be made, all that 'good' stuff. 

I guess Niall could see the hurt on my face because he broke me out of my trance. "Lexi, I'm so sorry. Tru-"

"Is he with you right now? Just tell me." I said in a firm voice. Niall shook his head. Well I guess he's with another girl. Man whore. (A/N: Not how I really think of Harry. Just for the storry. Ok? Ok.)

"You should talk to him, Lexi. He's out of control." I pushed away my food, suddenly not hungry. 

"This is why I don't want to talk to him, Niall. I want my child to grow up in a good enviroment. Not what you boys live in."

"But-" Niall froze. In the distance, I could hear the familiar voice. "Lexi, I gotta go. He's back."

A part of me wanted Harry to find out the lads have been speaking to me. Another part wished he'd stay the hell away. I know that won't be possible though. 

"Niall, wait!" Niall turned to face me. "Keep him out of trouble. Okay? Even though I'm not there, I still care." I chewed on my inner lip. Hopefully Harry wouldn't notice.

"Okay. I will. Now I have to go. He and I are sharing the same room. Bye!" Niall hissed at the screen.

"Bye-" Just at the last part, I saw the brown curls and green eyes through the doorway. The call had ended at that's all that was placed on the screen. I just sat there, staring at it. Even through the picture, this wasn't the Harry I grew up with. This wasn't the Harry I fell for. This was a monster. 

Harry's POV

I pushed my hair to the side as I unlocked the door to Niall's and my hotel room. We were back in Britain, thank god, but we weren't in London sadly. I just wanted to chill in my room and let the pain wash away. 

She wouldn't answer any of my calls or emails. If it weren't for the videos on my phone, I might've forgotten what she sounded like. Wait, scratch that. I'll never forget Lexi's voice. It's unforgettable. 

I turned the knob and stepped inside the room. Niall abruptly looked up from his computer. On the screen, I could see the frozen face of Lexi. I dropped my keys. 

Niall slammed the computer screen down and acted as though nothing happened. He went to the kitchen area and grabbed a bottle of water. 

"W-who, wh-what? Wait Niall was that Lexi?" I asked with uncertainty. 

"I do not know what you're talking about, Harry. I was just going through some photos," Niall shrugged. The thing is, he couldn't look me in the eye. He never did when he was nervous or lying. 

"Tell me the truth Niall. I've seen practically all the photos because I was always around when Lexi was. I've never seen her with that outfit before. I need to know!" I slammed my hand down on the counter top. Niall flinched, but said nothing. 

"God dammit, Niall!" I yelled. I never had the patience these days. 

"Fine! It was Lexi! Just because you two aren't friends, doesn't mean her and I can't be! Hell, the rest of the lads have been speaking to her! You're just gone all the time, fucking some bimbo to even noticed!" Niall outraged. I took a step back, bewildered. 

"H-How do you know?" I asked, anger suddenly washing away. 

"Louis saw you." Niall softened. "We aren't dumb, Harry. You've been gone practically every minute of the day. Every free hour, day, second, you disappear. Lou just so happened to catch you this time." I could see the disappointment in his eyes. My palms became clamy. 


"Save it, Harry. You can stop trying. Lexi knows, and from what I can tell, she'll never forgive you. Never." I was paralyzed. Never? He told her? Questions filled my mind. I couldn't think straight. 

I was mad. Mad at myself to even think that it was okay to do what I did. Now Lexi knows. She wasn't supposed to find out! 

I finally broke. I dropped to the floor like a rag doll. Tears blurred my vision. Niall did nothing. 

"I'm not gonna give you sympathy, Harry. I would. But I'm not. What you did to Lexi, and to all of us was beyond repair. I've never seen you like this.  I don't know what happened to you." Niall walked around me and to the door. He paused before opening it. "I don't know what happened to the band. I feel as though we are falling apart."

He sighed. The door slammed shut. I was alone. How many times do I need to screw up? This was not how life was supposed to be. This wasn't how MY  life was supposed to go. No one said it would be like this. I'm a teenager. I make mistakes, but I never knew it would be bad like this. 

I'm so stupid. So stupid. 

I may not have access to Lexi's phone number or anything, but I still have one more way. 

Harry_Styles: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Idk what came over me, but will you forgive me? You know who you are.

I pressed send. Maybe she'll see it. In my heart, I know she will. The thing is, will she actually believe it?

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